background image

  • the background image will not hold Or if it does, there is big black blobs on the right and left of the screen.

    Tried for 3 days now. On responsive and adventure journal.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Are you in preview mode?

  • No timethief I’m not in preview mode. I choose and saved the theme.

    I’ve tried doing it from wp administrator, customizer on the right lower screen, and from the theme site.

  • @velvetmountains can you send a screenshot and also let us know which image you’re trying to use?

    Also, does it look right from the customizer but just not after saving the changes?

  • Yes, it does look, right in the customizer, but not after saving the changes. I also click done before saving.

    The image is a color I have added a texture to.

    I have tried to add the image but paste does not come up to load it.

  • You can upload it to cloudup or add it to your media library if you’d like, then paste the link here.

    Please also let me know the file name of the background image, or if you haven’t already uploaded it to the Media Library, go ahead and do that.

  • The image is In my media library. That is how I picked it to use as a background. It is just a color bkg with a slight texture that I have used before on one of my other wp sites.

    I have noticed that several other people are having trouble with loading backgrounds properly. There seems to be some kind of a problem with the customizer I guess.

    Thanks for addressing this problem.

  • I have noticed that several other people are having trouble with loading backgrounds properly.

    So, some older themes require a different setup. And other people have been enabling a Custom Design preview, in which case the changes don’t publish.

    It doesn’t sound like your issue is related to either of these.

    Just to confirm, are you changing the background on the site you first specified?

  • I am using a practice site . The image link I sent came from that site.

  • Okay, you had specified the other site when asking for help. That site shows the correct background for me. Please upload a screenshot so we can see what you see.

    Take a Screenshot

  • Ah, and now that I’m looking closer at this new site I can see this image is a slightly different color.

    I can also see you’ve got a Premium Preview on that. Go to CSS > Exit Preview. Then you can update the background and save the changes.

  • I will try going to css and exit preview. be back in a few

    Yes it has a lighter color because I can not change it. I took a screen shot to post but paste does Not come up here for me to paste it .

    Going to css exit preview now.

    thanks for your work.

  • ok I went to css and clicked exit preview . I was able to then change the color, but the dark black shadow is still showing on both right and left side when viewing the site.

  • Hello

    I am still wondering why the background image on Adventure Journal has a large black fade in on the right and left?

    Thank you very much .

  • I am still wondering why the background image on Adventure Journal has a large black fade in on the right and left?

    The vignette effect is a feature of the theme.

  • Good Afternoon

    I did figure out about the vignette effect after looking closer at it when it was changing color. The undernetth color has that vignette effect.

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