Avatar won’t save to profile

  • I created a new user name tonight from gamehq to teck07
    and on my gamehq profile I can change the avatar just
    fine but when I log into my “teck07” profile it will
    say upload a avatar and when I do… It says Done you
    should see your avatar soon on wordpress.com
    but when I got back to the dashboard the message
    “Upload Your Avatar” is there again and when I go back to
    the profile for teck07 there is no avatar…

  • I forgot to mention I have cleared my cache and cookies

  • When I uploaded my avatar for the first time (about a week ago), it took several hours before it propagated far enough to show in my profile. (In fact, I ended up going to bed, and it was finally there when I got up in the morning). It just takes a while.

  • It can take up to a day. It will show first in the forums, and much later on the blog. Then, it will propagate retroactively, so if you left comments before, eventually your new avatar will show on them. There’s a sticky thread to test your avatar in the Off Topic forum.

    On the other hand, it IS Friday, and things always mess up on Friday. Check tomorrow morning and if it’s still not there, try to reupload.

  • Hello singularcontiguity,
    Thank you very much for your help
    I’ll wait till tomorrow and see if anything
    changes in my profile… :)

  • Hello raincoaster ,

    yep i stopped there first to test my avatar i’m far
    from new here on wp.com i’ve been a member
    for 3 months just didn’t like my user name “gamehq” sorry
    if i throw you off and you thought I was new here I agree
    every thing goes hay wire on Fridays LOL

    Thank you for your helpful reply… :)

    ♦ Teck ♦

  • You know that you can change your displayed username? You can’t change it on the admin side, but you can change what word shows up in the forums and on your comments and posts: on your Profile page, add a Nickname. Then save. Then go back and under “Display name as” or whatever words to that effect are there, you have a new drop-down menu which includes the new nickname. Just choose that on the drop-down.

  • Yeah I have Teck for my blog but every time I post to
    the forums it would display “gamehq” I changed my
    user name for the forum side… :)

  • I can’t get my username to change in the forums. When I click on the “edit profile” link (which I got to by clicking on member after my name) it goes nowhere. (Heck, I didn’t know you could change your nickname in the forums.)

  • @vivianpaige,
    you have to create a new acctount
    and choose user name only so it’s not
    connect to a new blog and then just
    add the new user name to your
    blog as admin…

    then when you post to the forums
    it will display your new user name… :)

    P.s. i deleted my old user name from
    my blog and just sign in with my new
    acctount so I don’t get confused…

  • Oh, nevermind. I thought it was just a change for the forums.

    I’ve never understood why my nickname shows up everywhere except the forums.

  • because the forums display our user name

  • The forums are about usability, so they are pretty much directly about the admin side. I guess that’s why it doesn’t change for the forums. My mistake; I thought it did.

  • @raincoaster,
    Thats ok mistakes happen… =)

  • Weird I signed into my acctount today
    and my avatar was there for a moment
    here in the forums and it has disappeared
    again… =(

  • ok it’s fixed now =)

  • But I’m seeing it. Keep in mind that they have multiple servers. It may have made it to some of them and not others yet, so when your page request happens to be handled by one it’s there and when it happens to be handled by another its not….

  • True i didn’t think of that Thank you… singularcontiguity,

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