avatar question

  • For the life of me I still can’t open a zip file. I download it and everything is all on my desktop. But after that is a complete mystery to me. It took me probably months to learn just how to cut and paste. Also took me forever to learn how to use Windows Paint. Then after I learned it I felt stupid because it’s so easy. lol I’ll probably never host my own site because just looking at their forum makes me cringe because I don’t know what they’re talking about. Could probably pay someone to host it while I just do what I’m doing now but would probably cost a fortune. I also wouldn’t be able to trust anyone to be a co-administrator on my blog. New thing I want to learn now is how to back up my computer.

  • “…still can’t open a zip file. I download it and everything is all
    on my desktop. But after that is a complete mystery to me”

    ~Nosysnoop: –you copied my post? You mock??? (lol) I sit here, waiting for helllp, decoding of Freakn CODEX…without: I’m stuck publishing my new website with Ugly Template, instead of Beauty….

  • Poppy – Sorry, I ran out of time last night. Trying to process photos from a shoot on Tuesday, got another one tonight too I’m afraid.

    There was a project starting (a while ago) where respected members of the wp community were offering to install and do the basic configuration of the wordpress software for you.

    Whether it got off the ground or not I don’t know, but have a search of the .org forum as I believe it was mentioned over there. Podz may be able to help with information too.

    If you still can get nothing then my email address is in a previous post, email me to remind me and I will try and get something to help you PDQ.


  • http://install4free.wordpress.com

    I haven’t followed this thread but I will point out that most hosts have some method of autoinstalling WordPress as well.

  • That’s the one, Thanks Doc! :)

  • I wasn’t mocking. :( But today i figured out how to back up my computer!! It has this wizard thing. So I’m doing what they tell me and then they ask me for cd’s. :( Somthing new I have to buy now.

  • install4free.wordpress.com

    Yes, someone in dot org Forum told me about them. Their website is refreshing in
    that it lists specifics, “reply within 24 hours” so I wrote…12 days ago. After 2 days no reply, I wrote again, they answered, with list of questions, haven’t heard from them since. That’s why I said, here, ‘need help.’ It’s a super concept, very nice to volunteer, but how long should one wait. I’m not hopeful anymore.

    ~Kewl on the back-up, Nosy (how come no one gets my sense of humor). You don’t HAFTA use CDs, you can also: enable “Back Up” button, so every time you hit “save” (“Documents”) will make a copy. Of course: really important individual items should go onto a CD. If you figure out how to translate the freakn CODEX, will you share.

    ~Good deal, Collin, wondered what happened. Was afraid the Curse was continuing. I’ll e-mail.

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