avatar in web address

  • Is there any way that I can get my avatar, or something similar, into my web address? I’m thinking so that it shows on the address line and in any shortcut on the desktop or listing that might be set up. I’ve seen other blogs do that and think its cool …. can anyone tell me how?


  • Currently there’s no way to do this. There is a thread on the issue called “Favicon” or suchlike, so if you do a forum search it will show up. The guys there know a lot more about the issue than I do and one more voice might help the movement.

  • the term for what you’re describing is a ‘favicon’.

    i think it would be a brilliant idea for your avatar to be used for a favicon, so please, send in feedback!

  • Thanks for your quick response. I had a look at the ‘favicon’ threads and saw the DrMike says to send the request as feedback from my dashboard so I have done that.

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