Autoplay multiple embedded videos

  • Hi there, can someone kindly assist me with how to make the embedded multiple videos autoplay and loop? When I put autoplay=”1″ loop=”1″ it only allows one video to play in loop but the rest of the videos stay the same,

    Have been struggling for a while, would really appreciate help

  • Hello there!

    Could you please clarify did you use the Video Block to embed your videos?

    On our Video Block, there is an autoplay setting to make your videos played automatically when someone accesses your website.

    You can also check this article to help you with setting up the autoplay on our video block ->


  • Hi there, thank you for your reply! I did not use Video Blocks, all my posts are done in ‘Portfolio’ from the menu, and the video was embedded as a link via text block from the backend editor
    This is the site that needs help with, when scroll bottom side of the page, there are 6 videos that needs to be autoplayed, looped without the controls, but now, only the first one works..

    [video width="4000" height="1510" autoplay="1" loop="1" muted="1" mp4="" preload="auto"][/video]
    is the code that I put in, but seems like its not really working

    Can you still assist on this?

    Thank you,

  • Hi there – Your site at looks to be using WordPress, but is hosted elsewhere. Our support tools are designed to help folks whose sites are hosted on servers. This means we’ll not be able to provide direct support here. What we can do is direct you to where you can find help.

    Go ahead and post this request in the community support forums (at

    Those forums will be one of your primary sources for support moving forward with the site you have there. If at some point down the road you were to move your site to, or build a new site on, our hosting at, we’d be happy to help answer any questions you have right here in the support forums. :)

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