automatic renewal of domain mapping without notifications

  • Hi,
    To my surprise today I found $12 charged on my credit card by
    I have not bought and/or been notified of any such upgrades/renewals.

    I have bought a domain-mapping 11months ago ( note that it is not domain registration only mapping). If I choose to renew my domain-mapping it is still a complete month away. And here:
    the staff also clearly states that not just one but 3 notifications are sent. How come I receive no notifications at all.
    Secondly on my blog no upgrade is shown.
    There is a notice that domain mapping expiry is a month away!

    I have not received any payment receipt!

    I am extremely worried as I do not know why exactly I am billed? or even by whom??
    My questions:1) does means related to wordpress .com
    2) Could this be related to recent security incident thing “”.
    3) or Just an inadvertent mistake by

    Please help with any clue or possible answers you have.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The blog you specified at does not appear to be hosted at

    This support forum is for blogs hosted at If your question is about a self-hosted WordPress blog then you’ll find help at the forums.

    If you don’t understand the difference between and, you may find this information helpful.

    If you forgot to include a link to your blog, you can reply and include it below. It’ll help people to answer your question.

    This is an automated message.

  • My blog: is now self-hosted but the question is about domain -mapping I bought here.

  • WordPress set up automatic renewals a few months back, and they notify you by email several times about an upcoming renewal and there is a link to turn off the auto renewals.

    If you did not want to renew, contact staff directly and discuss it at .

  • Thanks thesacredpath for the reply. But I never got any notifications, I checked and recheked several times all my mails!

    Secondly do automatic renewals (if at all it is) does not generate a reciept?

    I have already contacted them but so far no response from them.

  • I don’t thing wordpress.COM does receipts. Given the circumstances though (you are now self-hosted) talk with them and they should be willing to give you a refund I would think.

    Sometimes ISP spam filters are a little aggressive and he wordpress emails will get caught by them. You might check your spam folder at your ISP and see what is in there. I hadn’t checked mine in about 6 months and found nearly 3000 emails in it. I looked through the first few pages to see if it had caught anything legit, and the just deleted everything and set it to automatically delete all spams it catches. Hopefully it never catches a real email.

  • last year when I bought domain mapping I did recieve a receipt with transcation id no. and all the details.

    Yes you are right about spam filters but I did check that too.

    I would stop worrying if I know for sure that this is for my domain mapping and yes the money have reached and it should reflect on my dashboard or upgrade section.

    Since it was mapping only I also wonder why they will renew it a month in advance as even the thread I quoted earlier says contrary.

    i just want to be sure that there is no malacious third party or a mistake.

  • We renew all domain upgrades a month in advance, as something as simple as a failed credit card transaction could result in the loss of your domain (and potentially lost business) if we wait until the due date to renew.

    Sorry for the confusion!

    As for your domain mapping, the charge definitely came from us, and it has been renewed through May of 2012.

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