"Automatic" Images

  • Hi,

    I’m doubtful that this is possible, but you may as well ask, right? Is it possible to update an image on my WordPress.com page when a cell in Google Sheets gets updated?

    Alternatively, is it possible to update a URL based on if a cell in Google Sheets is updated?

    It’s really making me annoyed, and the workarounds I’ve come up with all require just one plugin, so I’m still hoping that all users get a choice of at least one plugin in the future.

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    This is not possible, no. Dynamically updating content like that would require the image or link to be embedded on your site inside an iframe or via an API request which would require JavaScript, neither of which are options we support on non-Business Plan sites for security reasons.

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