Automatic Font Colour

  • Hi! I want my font colour to be brown instead of black at all times, without me having to change it in the font colours thing on the sidebar settings in posts; can I do that? Or is that a WP premium feature? Thanks & LMK if you need any clarification!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there:

    Yes, in order to change the font color globally on your site, you would need to upgrade to a Premium or higher plan which would give you access to the CSS editor.

    Otherwise, the only way to change the font color is via the post editor as you’ve discovered.

    If you decide to upgrade, just let us know and we can advise what CSS you need to use to change the color of your font.

    I hope that clarifies things!

  • You might also check the features in Customize. They will give you some control, but maybe not quite enough.

    Also, I noticed you have a broken image link on the front page. Did you delete the image from your media library? If so you may want to upload and set that image once more.


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