auto save

  • AHHHH spent hours writing post on phone. as i finished there was no save available anywhere and publish was unable to be selected as it had saved automatically the previous times i exited the editor i did so and the progress over the last hour is gone. auto save has helped me in the past and the top of editor had the option ‘another version of this is saved in another browser at top idk if pertinent but i cant find any history of auto saved versions and im quite mad about the loss – it was really well done and took a lot of effort it is 1232 and revisions option only has last hour – an hour ago saved as i never saved it and there are 18 revisions there must be a more current one available ? please help Yes
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  • draft

    this happened bc i tried to preview final draft preview was good no save feature publish button not highlighted or clickable.

  • Hi, just to check – were you writing the post on your phone using the browser, or using the WordPress app? It sounds like the “another version of this” message might have been trying to fetch the recent changes – did that have any effect when you clicked it?

  • ive rewritten the article already and will just be conscious of this moving forward thanks

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