Author views being counted towards stats

  • The past two days my author views have been counting towards the visitors/views stats. My blog is a public blog, although I’ve only shared the direct link with one person, and it doesn’t get a lot of traffic. I know when that person views my blog because the “referrers” box will be blank but the visitor count will say 1 visitor. But like I said, after I’ve previewed my own blog a few hours later it’ll say I’ve had a visitor and it tells me which blog was viewed. It’s one post in particular WordPress is saying I’ve viewed although I haven’t, but I’ve been previewing my entire blog. So I’m really confused by these stats.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Actually looking back at the previous months, a lot of my author views are being counted as stat views

  • Okay one more addition, the weird thing is all the posts being listed under author views are ones of mine that I haven’t clicked on/viewed since I posted it…

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