Author role not able to post on pages they were assigned

  • Hello folks,

    Is there a way that an “AUTHOR” role could write on password protected pages that have their WordPress identification assigned as the author of the page by an “ADMINISTRATOR” role? This requirement comes from a writing group whose members should be able to open each others pages to share and comment on each other’s texts, but only the author of each page can post on their respective page for the others to read and comment.

    Some authors in the blog don’t belong to the writing group and others do. To solve the problem I could change writing group’s members role to “EDITOR” but that poses a threat to the blog’s integrity once accidents can happen (many of them aren’t computer savvy).

    If that isn’t possible at all, I would suggest that during the assignment of a page’s author, if his/her role is “AUTHOR” or “CONTRIBUTOR” that assignment be blocked because they won’t be able to write on the pages they are declared as authors.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • No, there is no way on to do that. However, without a link to the blog, we cannot tell whether you are on or not, so this is a stab in the dark.

  • Thanks, Raincoaster. The link is Can you tell me why the link doesn’t reach you? When I typed my question the link was identified in the interface and I thought I wouldn’t have to send it in my message.


  • That can be confusing. It’s actually a screening system for an auto response. In the past, many folk with wordpress.ORG blogs would come to this forum for help, but our software here is different from theirs so our answers do not always apply. We volunteers have no access to the back end, so we cannot see a link unless you provide it when asking a question.

    You could simply link your blog to your name, then you would not have to type it all the time.

  • Hi 1tess,

    Thank you for the hint. I added the contact info and that is one more improvement to the blog :-)

    Would you mind taking a look at my original question and tell me if you know of any alternative for what I’m trying to do? On another token I think there is opportunity for improvement in WordPress if the “AUTHOR” role isn’t authorized to something that it can’t do. In this case I created the pages, assigned each one to their owners, who are all “AUTHOR”s, and discovered, after all, that they can’t post on their pages. It was frustrating because of the lost time and it would work like a charm (I tested it with “EDITOR” role).

    An even better improvement is to let the “AUTHOR” role post on pages. I couldn’t see a good reason of why not. Thank you for any light you can throw on this.


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