Author Bio at the bottom of blog posts

  • A box with my author bio appears at the bottom of my blog posts. I understand how to control whether the box displays at all: Customize -> Content Options -> Author Bio:[checkbox] Display on single posts

    What I don’t understand is how to control the content of the box.

    According to this WordPress support page, I need to go to (I understand that this same page can also be accessed by clicking my avatar at the top right of any page within the black strip).

    But that’s not working for me. The text displaying in my “author bio” at the bottom of my blog posts is completely different from the information displaying in “About Me” on my profile. I tried saving a change to “About Me” anyway, and it had no effect on my blog.

    Basically, I found an editable box and a view-only box, and they don’t seem connected. That yields two questions:

    1. Where is the editable box for the text that displays at the bottom of my blog posts?

    2. Where does the “About Me” editable text display (since it displays neither at the bottom of my blog posts, nor on my Gravatar page)?

    – Tucker

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    1. Where is the editable box for the text that displays at the bottom of my blog posts?

    To edit the information of that box you need to go to your Dashboard > Users > Your Profile and scroll down to the Biographical info box. Here’s a direct link to it:

    2. Where does the “About Me” editable text display (since it displays neither at the bottom of my blog posts, nor on my Gravatar page)?

    It is displayed on your Gravatar profile page, on comments you leave on other blogs, and on Gravatar based widgets.

    If you have any other questions, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.

  • Thanks so much. This solved it.

    FYI, my user feedback on the UI: My problem was that I didn’t know what the “Dashboard” was or how to find it. It’s pretty well hidden! (For others’ benefit — I see now I can click “My Sites” at top left, scroll down in the left sidebar for “Configure” and select “WP Admin” as the very last link. Or I can use the direct URL /wp-admin/profile.php that you provided.) Not sure why WordPress hides something so central to the management of one’s site. Seems to me that WP Admin could be a top-level navigation link. And I would not click on something called “WP Admin” if I were looking for a “Dashboard”–not sure why it’s labeled inconsistently.

    If WordPress assigned a title to display at the top of the section (which contains Profile, Account Settings, etc.), it would be clear that this section is not the Dashboard. It was difficult to determine that I’d landed on something that wasn’t the Dashboard because that page doesn’t even have a name. Thus I could not evaluate the many instances of competing advice online that recommended that I go to .

    And, yes, now I see that my “About Me” text is indeed displaying on my Gravatar profile. I thought it wasn’t, but I may have been mistaken. It’s there now.

    I am all set. Thank you :)

  • Honestly, should be connected, so we’ll makes sure this is reported. Thank you!

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