Audio post format in Cubic theme?

  • Hi, Is it possible to customise the cubic theme so that the audio post format is offered? I see video — but I’m looking to use this for podcast episodes! Thanks for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi amritagupta123 – since you have the Business plan, I think I can help you with this by giving you a small function to add as a plugin. Stay tuned.

  • Before I do anything though, can you tell me a bit more about your goal in using the audio post format? Post formats aren’t styled any differently in Cubic – all it would do right now is say “Audio” at the bottom near the date, on single posts, just above the categories. Is that what you’re aiming for?

  • Hi Kathryn, Thanks so much for getting back to me! If the post formats don’t make a difference in this theme, then I guess it doesn’t matter? I just thought that that was the format I was supposed to use to post podcasts. Because the RSS feed only recognises one audio file per blog post, I’ve had to have part 1/part 2/etc of the same episode split into separate pages right now — I was hoping that this audio post format might help resolve that?

  • Ah – no, adding support for the audio post format would make no difference in how your podcast works or appears on your site. Post formats are only there to allow theme developers to style them differently. Since Cubic doesn’t do anything special with post formats design-wise, you would see no difference.

    Have you considered using a podcasting plugin that might have the sort of functionality you’re looking for? I’m not sure if there’s a way around the one audio file per feed issue, but you could do some experimenting or ask the plugin developers some questions to see what they suggest.

  • Oh, I see. Okay, thanks so much for explaining :) I did speak to someone at Powerpress/Blubrry and they’ve pretty much said it has to be one file per feed. I’ll work around it! Thanks again.

  • You’re very welcome!

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