Audio Playback Issues

  • Hello!

    I’m currently working on a sort of database which also includes audio files. For some reason, I can play them when I’m editing the post, however, when I look at a preview of the post or the published post, instead of the timeline for the audio, it just says “Error” and the file cannot be played. Also the loop and automatic playback-functions don’t work at all.

    If anyone could explain why that is the case, I would really appreciate it!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    I am having trouble reproducing this issue, can you the specific post, device, and browser this is happening on? Additionally, please try using an incognito/private browser window to see if this might be related to a browser issue. You can learn more about browser issues here:

    Solve Common Browser Issues
    3 min read
    Some issues you may encounter with your website or account can be solved by updating your browser, refreshing the page, or clearing the browser cache and cookies. This guide covers how to resolve browser-related problems with your site. Supported Browsers Some browser issues may be caused by the browser itself. For optimal viewing and security, we recommend that you use an up-to-date versi

    Hope this helps, and look forward to hearing back from you.

  • Thanks for your reply. I’m working on a 2023 Macbook Pro and using the Safari browser. I have tried it on Windows using Firefox but that didn’t work either…

  • I’ve visited your site and I’m not sure that I was able to see this issue. Can you share the URL of the page you are on where you see the error message? Staff will be able to visit but the link will not work for members of the public.

    From there we can compare the preview to what you see in the editor. Also can you tell us a bit more about how you are uploading your audio? There are several ways to do this, so I’m curious do you add audio directly in the page editor as you are creating the page? Or do you tend to pre-upload your audio files to the media library, and the insert them into the page after that, inserting audio from the media library as you go.

    Thanks for the additional info!

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