Assistance Requested: Deleting Old Blog from Account

  • I encountered an issue in the ‘Blog Management’ section of my account, when I visited the ‘My Blogs’ page ( I noticed that a blog site I abandoned years ago is still listed. Unfortunately, this blog is now unmanageable, and I also cannot remove it from my account.

    Since this blog is no longer in use, and I no longer own the domain, its presence is inconvenient for managing my account. Therefore, I would like to completely delete it. I have tried all possible methods to remove it, but it seems there’s no successful way to do so. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there,

    I’ve successfully disconnected from your account.

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.

  • Thank you for your assistance. I am currently encountering an issue with my Gravatar account. I have attempted to contact Gravatar Support but have not received a solution to my problem. Could you possibly help me resolve this issue?

  • Hi @arniezhu, these forums are support for, but if we know what issue you’re having with Gravatar we may be able to point you in the right direction. Where did you reach out to their support? Are you using this?

    Support Home
  • I’m having an issue with the avatar management module in Gravatar, as it’s unable to associate one of my emails with my account. Before we proceed further, I’d like to inquire: Will this post be deleted after the issue is resolved? I’m concerned about the exposure of my personal information here.

  • To ensure your privacy, if you could share the email causing issues here, only Staff will have access to the email address. With this information, we’ll be able to investigate and address the problem effectively. Thank you for your cooperation!

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