Argent theme takes far too long loading up some portfolio pages.

  • Website is:, the theme is Argent. Hosted with WordPress.

    So, I just bought the domain of this website after a long time having had the part inside, but now I realise that some of my portofilio projects take far too long (times measuring in minutes) to load. Others load very quickly (in seconds).

    The portfolios that load too slow are (number of photos in brackets):

    – Portraits (151)
    – Fireworks (7)
    – Miscellaneous (3)

    The portfolios that load fine are:

    – Architecture (8)
    – Nature (10)
    – Sports (11)

    I am running a wired ethernet connection, with speedtest giving me ~400Mbps up/down speeds.

    What’s the issue here?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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