Are there format, or Administrator Drop down changes taking place right now?

  • Are there changes taking place, like a scheduled maintenance, or reformatting the user/administrator option drop downs right now? I have been experiencing some strange events today, in editing, as well as my Administrator Nav Bar’s options have changed.. I’m just trying to figure out if I missed an announcement, and you guys are working on something, or if it’s a problem with my server, or computer…Thanks .

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We’re rolling out a major overhaul to the admin bar, but this should have no effect on editing or anything else in the Dashboard.

    Can you please try clearing your browser’s cookies and cache?

  • I already reported the admin bar wonkiness.

  • Yes,I have cleared my cache a few times already…but, for some reason, earlier today, while editing a post my screen resolution…Or, well all the font’s, header..and overall site shrunk …I tried a screen resolution setting, but the only option I had was to make it look even smaller, or make it larger than it was before, thereby not fitting my screen anymore. It affected an already posted article also, ( A poem that was structured in the shape of a diamond ) it left one word that was in a sentence, sitting alone between the sentence, and the next sentence line…all alone…Turns out, I really didn’t need that word anyway, so was a quick repair…but, only because I didn’t have time to get into it at the moment.

    I’m just trying to see if it’s possibly something you guys are working on, so I can stop trying to beat my Control Panel senseless, If so, I’ll just take a break…

  • Yeah, that isn’t something that we’re working on.

    It sounds like you may have accidentally adjusted your browser’s zoon rate. Can you please sure that is set to 100% or Actual Size? Depending on your browser, this is either under the View or Window menu.

  • I have cleared my cache several times too but to no avail.

    The only way I can reach my Dashboard is by moving the cursor over my “Name” on the far right said of the top bar — which is now inexplicably solid black, then move the cursor over the name of my blog at the bottom of a drop down tree, then click and go to “Dashboard.”

    What was instantaneous earlier in the day now requires three additional steps.

  • Okay,I’ll look into that, thanks, as it all took place …(the Admin Bar options and the resolution thing) at about the same time,,,it got really confusing…especially while editing, or publishing a post…thanks.

  • Although I’m grateful for the freeness of WordPress, this gets frustrating when all of a sudden changes are made to the admin bar.

    That being said, here is what I REALLY LIKED, which is no longer there anymore, as of 3 PM HST (9 PM EDT).

    I WANT the “New” dropdown, where you can easily do a New post, media, etc. I do NOT want this deal where you have to

    1. Click on your user name in the admin bar
    2. Mouse over the “New”
    3. Move your mouse to whatever “New” thing you want.

    Keep it simple.

    And thank you WordPress.

  • Yeah…that’s sort of what was happening with mine too,, I’m looking at a screen half the size as it was this morning, and hoping that many other post formatting, hasn’t been misaligned, as the one poem was… If I knew it was something that will clear up when the maintenance is finished, I can wait. But, I will check the Zoon, as suggested…Mac

  • Were you talking about the browser zoom?

  • I agree Kauil, I was just getting real comfortable with the new admin bar, which was new to me as I was away from the blog basically for a few months…and I really LIKED the latest option drop downs…or, well, not the immediate latest…lol

  • No, mac, I went to View, dropped to Zoom, and hit reset…no change at all…the only change I found was after closing my browser to enable it to reset, and coming back on..there is no longer anywhere on my site that will take me here to the forums..had to go to the Meta, and then to Fresh Press to get here?

  • Here’s some advice from a person who has been here for 5 1/2 years. Posting into these threads while major changes are underway usually leads to expressions of annoyance and frustration. I say with kindness > please consider logging out and finding something else to do when major changes are being made. Then you will avoid the frustration of remaining logged in and experiencing the bumpy ride.

  • Was this a scheduled maintenance, with an announcement I missed, as I got the memo about a new ( invisible to the signed in users) “Follow” tab…which sounded cool to me.. but, then this just came out of left field.

  • Yes, that is probably the best suggestion I have heard T.T. Wish I knew not to sign in though.

  • @fromtheleft If your name is in solid black your browser is most likely aggressively caching the old styles. If you are visiting your blog you can hover over the Blog Name on the left side of the menu and you’ll get some quick shortcuts there that are specific to the blog you are viewing.

  • This is what macmanx ( Staff) has said above:

    We’re rolling out a major overhaul to the admin bar, but this should have no effect on editing or anything else in the Dashboard.
    Can you please try clearing your browser’s cookies and cache?

    That is all we know.

  • Yes, I responded to that post.
    Is this not the Support Forum?

  • I noticed this as well. I also preferred the way it was this morning to the way it is right now. The UI was easier. I do not like the recent trend towards increasingly stripped-down and modernistic interfaces that sacrifice clarity and ease of use for a more “sophisticated” or “clean” look. This is a triumph of aesthetics over functionality, and is generally a very bad idea.

    I think that to the extent that there is frustration, that can only be exacerbated by the completely idiotic and sweeping changes that FB forced on its users in the last 36 hours. To the extent that there is an overlap in the uses of this service and that, there are likely to be ripple effects.

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