Are there any free templates where blog posts do not appear on home page?

  • I have tried out several templates and even if they have a blog page link in the menu, the blog posts or a snippet are still on the home page.

    I just want a simple home page with a menu to go to blog posts and other pages, a big picture of whatever event I want to promote, and an about me section. Is there anything like that on wordpress?

    I don’t know enough about website design to even think of creating anything myself, and I don’t want to pay for a template until I see if I even like using wordpress.

    So far, I’ve tried Exford, which didn’t look anything like the demo, Twenty twenty two, Gemstones, Russell, Zoologist, Seedlet, and Hever. I liked the overall look of Hever, but couldn’t get the blog link to work at all.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    The demo pages show you an example of how the site can look like, but the end result depends on how you set it up.

    You can display a static homepage on any theme, although the instructions are different for older themes, and the ones using the Site Editor. I’ll leave you instructions to both:

    Pages » Set the Homepage (Front Page)
    2 min read
    A homepage is the front door to your site. Using the steps in this guide, you can set your theme’s default homepage or a custom homepage to any page you’ve created. Table of Contents Set the Homepage from Settings To set the Homepage: Visit your site’s dashboard. Go to Settings → Reading in the left sidebar. If you want the Default Homepage, select the — Default — option in t
    Use the Site Editor » Edit Your Homepage Using the Site Editor
    3 min read
    Your site, or blog, has two options for what to display on the homepage. The homepage is the first page your visitors will see when they visit your site. You can show your latest posts or set up a static home page. In this guide, you will learn how to use the Site Editor to customize the design of your homepage. Choose Homepage Option The first step is to decide whether you want to di

    I hope that helps :)

    If you end up liking our platform but don’t want to spend time designing your site and focus on your content instead, we can build the site for you. You can find more details here:

    Let me know if you have any more questions regarding that.

  • Thank you staff-mckluskey. I set up a home page like that Friday, but did it again today but still can’t get the menu to show up on it. Do I need to set the location to something other than primary navigation?

  • I’ve been trying more templates and still couldn’t get the menu to work, even on a new, static home page. Most of them showed only the Home page in the menu and nothing else, or the other pages were indicated by arrow type symbols only. Then I found a template called Gateway and the new, static home page showed all the pages on the menu. However. The name of the static page is right smack in the middle of the page in big letters, along with the word Home in the Menu bar. How can I get rid of that big name? I’m going to rename it WELCOME for the moment, but I really don’t want it there. Thanks!

  • Sorry, one more question about the menu. I migrated my posts from blogger and had some posts linked to the menu bar there. They are no longer linked. How do I tag posts so they will show up as a list of posts when the word on the menu is clicked?

  • Hi there!

    I’ve been trying more templates and still couldn’t get the menu to work, even on a new, static home page. Most of them showed only the Home page in the menu and nothing else, or the other pages were indicated by arrow type symbols only.

    In the themes with Site Editor, you will want to head to Appearance > Editor > Click on the site to enter the editor > Click on the menu which is the Navigation block.

    The name of the static page is right smack in the middle of the page in big letters, along with the word Home in the Menu bar. How can I get rid of that big name? 

    This is the title of the home page. Leave it empty if you don’t want it to display.

    I migrated my posts from blogger and had some posts linked to the menu bar there. They are no longer linked. How do I tag posts so they will show up as a list of posts when the word on the menu is clicked?

    Welcome to :) You will want to add tags to your posts: and then add the tags to the menu from Appearance > Customize > Menus > Primary menu:

    What are your other goals for the site? I will be happy to help further.

  • Thank you darusja. I did figure out the tag thing last night, but I’ll try out everything else you said. Do you know if there is a way to add a search box if this template doesn’t have the option in widgets?

  • You should be able to add a Search Block to the block widgets area. I hope that helps!

  • Thank you! That worked great. Thank you all for answering all my questions.

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