are mirror sites allowed?

  • i just saw a blog with the same contents as his blogspot site. he’s basically using both & blogspot to run the same blog. is this allowed here? i’ve read somewhere that it’s a form of seo. if so, then it’s not allowed, is it?

  • i run a mirror of both of my pagan blog. The original is hosted here, but when i moved to self hosting i kept it as a back up. So now i update both of them, been doing that for near a year now and not run into any troubles

  • To be honest, I’ve just gone around with staff again on the issue of what’s allowed for advertsing and how they define “commerical” around here.

    Policy questions need to go to staff via feedback. I am so not going to take any more of these.

  • well, i didn’t know this is a policy question… if tiamatdisciple can do it, then i guess it’s not wrong.

  • I thought the difficulty was with Technorati. It was my understanding that they would rank only one of the sites if there were two or more with duplicate contents.

  • Considering all those splogs I see in Technorati, I think that may just be lipservice.

  • Granted. I have posted to their support forum to get their response.

  • you’re not holding your breath, are you? ;)

  • I’m still holding out for those changes that they promised with the ping with wordpress page.

  • ive never used Technorati, never seen a reason to lol

  • The issue of cross-posting into was raised recently on the Hackers list.
    It’s not something we want to happen (to those that read it I know of the exception and that’s fine).
    People with more knowledge of SEO than me will chime in about duplicate content.

    Keeping a blog here for backup after moving away is perfectly understandable – we are a very safe place – and I don’t see we would have a problem if it is indeed a backup.

    This is one of those things that a spammer will see and thing “Great! I can do that too and cross-post and pretend it’s a backup”. Such blogs will be suspended – we can recognise a spam blog in the middle of the night wearing blindfolds. I know that’s not crystal clear, I know people will take this and make something out of it that does not exist but I don’t think we do such a bad job of keeping the place clean with everyone’s help. And if we make a mistake we admit it and make amends.

    So tiamatsdisciple – not a problem :)

  • so mark, basically you’re saying mirror sites are okay as long as it’s not a splog, right?

    that may come in useful someday… =)

  • Apologise if there is already a solution for what I’m going to ask: I have a blog with movie clips. This blog is hosted in Europe, so these movie clips’ performance are not so great for visitors outside of Europe (e.g. Asia). To improve the performance, is there a way to have my movie clips mirrored to a server in Asia or do I have to mirror my whole WordPress site?

    Many thanks for any possible solution.

  • You need to be asking at This forum is just for people hosted by The software and everything is different.

  • Raincoaster, many thanks!

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