Archive template page for K2?

  • Obviously there is no “archive template page” for the hosted K2 template.

    First Question, to all: Do you know of a widget or any another possibility to create one here on the hosted

    Second Question, to support: Will there be one from in short time?

  • A widget to do what, exactly?

  • A widget (or something similar) to keep a live archive of all the past blog entries as a list organized by date or category and an indication of the number of comments for each of these entries.

    Since there is no possibility to embed any script on a page, I have no chance to plug-in anything which is not established in the hosted version.

    Do you know of any suitable alternative on the market which would work in the environment? Do you know of any solution from

  • If the existing Archive display for that theme isn’t what you’re looking for, and you can’t find another theme you like, the only thing I can suggest is making a text widget manually. It’s a lot of work, though. There is nothing I know of that will keep track of the number of comments in the archive list unless you go and check them out yourself and add them manually.

  • Thx, raincoaster.

  • I’m currently planning on adding in Page Templates for my own WPMu install. I’ve offered them to staff but have had no response in the past. I really wish they would pick up on these.

  • There’s a Theme that do these “Archiving” Dates & Categories. I am using 2813. I created a Page for it and use the Archive template. As rain suggest, you can do it manually as well (just pain in the ass).

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