Arcade Theme Menu

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to move the menu bar below the header image on the Arcade theme?

    Also, the menu on the mobile site is just a box with lines, is it possible to change it to the word “MENU”?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, for the menu icon at top right, add the following which hides the lines and then uses a pseudo class and a content declaration to add the work “Menu”.

    .navbar-toggle:after {
        content: "Menu;
        color: #fff;
    .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
        display: none;

    On moving the navigation below the image with CSS, this can be quite challenging. We would have to use position: absolute and that means the menu loses its relationship to all the other page elements so when they move and change, the menu wouldn’t move with them.

    We could move it below the image down to the width that the header image resizes, which is at 598px.

    Given that the menu is fixed at the top of the browser window, as you scroll down it is always right there for visitors at the top of their browser window no matter what size screen they are viewing your site on.

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