appearance changes in ‘The Journalist 1.9’ theme

  • Hey. I need some help in CSS editing. I’ve just got Custom Upgrade.

    This is my blog: (in Brazilian Portuguese)

    Two appearance features have dissapeared from my blog after some changes in CSS stylesheet. The only changes I did in the code were writing ‘border:none’ inside ‘.main img’, ‘.main a img’ and ‘.main a:hover img’ topics (I wanted to drag out border images).

    Then I realized that there are no more quotes (“) in highlighted texts and no more speech balloon behind blog description, in the right top of the page.

    Can you help me?

    Lucas Pretti

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Did you paste the entire CSS stylesheet into the edit window? If so, did you select the “Start from scratch and just use this” ?

  • If you did the above, you should know that URL’s for images in the CSS are typically designated using “relative” URL’s (example: /images/booboo.png). When you do the “start from scratch…” the new CSS file is stored in a different location which means all relative URL’s in the CSS end up as broken links.

    My suggestion is that unless you are completely changing the CSS, that you click “add to existing…” and then ONLY include the sections and the specific declarations that you are adding or changing. As an example:

    .main img {
    .main a img{
    .main a:hover img {

    By doing the above, the CSS changes you make will override those sections in the main CSS, but since the main CSS still exists and is in use, the relative URL’s aren’t broken.

  • It worked! I did selected “Add to existing…” but pasted the entire code.

    Tks, thesacredpath!

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