app will not post pictures

  • using the wordpress app for iOS and this theme, i cannot post pictures in a post. it it doesnt shut down the entire app as in a crash- but it goes to a previous setting screen outside the blog post…

    any advice?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It sounds like an issue with the app itself – have you tried fully closing the app (not just pressing the home screen, but closing it so it needs to fully restart)?

    Also, double check that you are using the most recent version of that app, and there aren’t any updates pending in the app store.

    You could also try uninstalling and reinstalling, that can sometimes help!

  • Thanks-
    Tried all of this- nothing changes. It appears like the next logic step the app is trying to go for is asking for permission to access my photos- but it never does.
    i added an image to the gallery via a desktop- and that image can be selected- but the “add new” feature is where the issue starts.

    i’ll keep trying and looking into it.

  • It appears like the next logic step the app is trying to go for is asking for permission to access my photos- but it never does.

    That’s a good theory – you should be able to use your Settings app to check that WordPress has the necessary permissions.

    If that doesn’t do the trick, you can also open a support ticket directly through the app, if needed then you can send in logs :)

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