Apostrophe 2 – More Than One H1 Tag – Site Title and Page/Post Title

  • Theme: Apostrophe 2

    Is there a way to change the either the site title or page/post title so that one of them is not H1? Both are H1 which is giving me an SEO error

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Can you clarify what tool you are using to test your SEO? It is not possible to switch the heading value for either of those as they are hard-coded into your theme. However Google is smart enough to work out the difference so in practice this does not cause any issues though it can trip-up SEO tests that may not account for that.

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • It shows up with bing’s webmaster tools > url inspection

    I’ve switched my theme and it doesn’t get the error with the new theme when i do a live url test

    Google is showing 10 AMP related errors, not sure if it had to do with the theme, still waiting on my pages to be recrawled after I switched themes

  • Update: did a live test using Google’s live url test and the AMP errors still appear so are unrelated to the theme

  • Hi there,

    The site title and post/page title both being H1 headings isn’t really a problem, as in, it won’t have any actual effect on your ranking in search results. So you can safely ignore that error:

    SEO inspection tools, even the official ones made by search engines like Bing and Google, check your site against a set of arbitrary rules based on what that particular tool considers to be the “perfect” SEO setup. But those rules don’t take into account whether there might be a reason your site is set up in a particular way, and that “perfect” setup doesn’t necessarily reflect what search engine algorithms look at when indexing your site, and there’s not a single site on the web that gets a 100% score.

    The kinds of errors you should be concerned about are, for example, warnings about broken links, duplicate content, faulty redirects, etc. In other words, errors pointing to issues with your content, as content weighs much more when it comes to SEO than your site’s design :)

    The AMP errors also don’t have any effect on how your site gets ranked in search results, so you can ignore those as well. If you prefer, you can switch the AMP feature off for your site at Settings ->Performance in the dashboard.

  • Thanks for your response, my site’s impressions and views were slowly going up and then over the course of a week went to 0. This coincides with timing of the bing’s crawl errors.

  • It looks like you posted about a week ago. You’ll often see a trend up after writing a post, then that will fade back out.

    Can you check next time you post to see if that pattern holds? Your Insights page in stats could also help with that.

    Also, I noticed you don’t have a site title at all currently. I’d recommend including that for better SEO.

  • Thanks for taking a look but seems as though your data is out of date?
    I have a site title, it’s just not displayed but shows up under site identity
    My last post was just yesterday, June 26

    My content has a healthy impression rate and CTR on youtube so I’m sure it’s not the content, number of impressions is literally 0 after a couple of weeks of doing well

  • A traffic drop to 0 cannot be SEO-related. Even if your site has critical SEO issues, at worst that could potentially prevent new content you publish from being indexed (the errors you mentioned above won’t have this effect). But it won’t prevent any content already indexed from appearing in relevant searches.

    It also won’t stop visits from links you’ve shared online.

    I think a couple of things are going on here:

    First, it looks like there was a problem with your site’s RSS feed, so your posts weren’t appearing in the WordPress.com Reader at all, and your site doesn’t have any subscribers. I’ve fixed that now, so you should gradually start getting traffic from the Reader.

    Second is this:

    My content has a healthy impression rate and CTR on youtube so I’m sure it’s not the content, number of impressions is literally 0 after a couple of weeks of doing well

    Your site is essentially just re-posting videos from your Youtube channel, so most search engines will link to the content at the source, Youtube, rather than to a site that’s just re-using that content. If you want search engines to link to your site, you need to offer something unique on your site that’s not available on your Youtube channel.

    Along with that, if you want people to visit your site, you need to promote it. Share links to your site on social media. Share links to your posts directly on your videos in Youtube, so Google can tell the two is related (which will also boost the search engine rankings).

    We have some more tips on how you can increase traffic to your site here:


  • Thanks for the insight and finding the feed issue, will take a look at the tips

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