Anyone else having stats problems?

  • Hey, sorry to bother. My stat counter has been stuck on 33 911 hits all day, and my stats graph has also not moved at all, it is by zero for today. And my referrers list is empty so that is also not moving.
    I know that there are alot of people clicking and comming to my blog because yesterday i got 900 hits. So there must be a problem with my stats.

    Please help, any advice would be appreciated! is my blog

  • There is a small problem which will be fixed.

  • Okay thanks for the quick reply!

  • My stats also do not seem to be right

  • @adilnajam
    Can you please read the entry by Podz it’s only two posts above your own.

  • Thanks podz. Good to know that everyone didn’t just start hating my blog :-)

  • @ourboros – lol – that paranoia what blogger’s refer to as fear of “overnight regress”. Its opposite is of course, “overnight success”.;)

  • Stats appear to be down today. (Sunday Aug 13)

    My Blog Stats page has not changed in the past 3 or 4 hours at least.

  • Today the stats look ok so far. Yesterday there was a period of time where they appear to not have been counted at all … about 1/3 of the day.

  • I’m wondering if there’s a new stat issue. My recorded stats are down about 1/3, but I see that yesterday I was #21 in English Language BOTD, which is my highest-ever ranking. Yet I’m down a good two hundred hits from the average last week.

    Or are everybody’s hits down? What I mean is, is there a glitch in the stat counter, am I just not loved very much, or are everyone’s hits down this weekend?

  • Andy is inviting feedback on the beta stats program here through use of your feedback button. As this is just a query and no one here on the forum can do anything about stats you could send him a feedback.
    Some folks can never get enough information when it comes to stats so I’m wondering if you have considered getting additional stats counter? I have one on my blogs. Sitemeter, statcounter and shinystats all provide free stats meters and this thread may be of assistance

  • I’ve thought about it, but I prefer it if the WordPress one just works. Wouldn’t that be swell?

    And none of the others give me what I’m looking for for free, so it’s not worth the hassle of upgrading. When I can find something that’ll give me the IPs of all visitors for free, then I’ll consider it.

  • “I’ve thought about it, but I prefer it if the WordPress one just works. Wouldn’t that be swell?”

    The stats program here is a beta program that’s only a few months old. that offers us all unlimited blogging free of charge on a secure blogging platform is only 1 year old. Therefore, IMO your sarcastic sentence does not speak well of you. So I’m choosing to think you’re just having a bad day.

    IP tracking free of charge – best of luck. For further information consult

  • Now, calm down. I’d be less snarky if someone would answer my question, which is: were hits down for everyone on Saturday, thus giving me my position on BOTD AND my low hits, or was there a glitch in the statcounter that day?

    I am trying to find out if there was a failure or not. That’s all.

    I’m not asking for free IP tracking. What I’m saying is that, unless a stat counter offers it, what WordPress offers is just fine with me. Every time the stat issue comes up you recommend someone get another stat counter; that does not apply to this situation as far as I know, and I’m just irritated by seeing the exact same thing in every stat thread, regardless of whether or not it relates.

    I know WordPress is free. But I also know WordPress is very, very good and they have high standards for themselves and prefer it if what they offers works. I’m still trying to find out if there was a failure or not, prior to sending in a feedback, so work with me. Did you see any stat anomalies on Friday or Saturday?

  • It looks like stats are down again part of today as well.

    The update which shoudl have happened at 12:00 GMT did not happen and the stats appear to be stuck.

  • rain: There’s info at especially the 3rd paragraph.

  • There have been no known issues with stats for at least a week.

  • Hmmm. I just went to check and there is certainly a problem with mine. They are frozen at yesterday, and have been for the past 4 hours, judging by my offset from Universal Time.

    The blog stats widget in my sidebar appears to be going fine though. Its the stats page that has problems. Looks like the same problem that “quotes” mentioned above.

  • Thanks for the info. My stats page and widget seem to be working okay today, although now it appears that Pingoat is down. Grrrrrr, it’s always something, isn’t it?

  • It’s those pesky SixApart gremlins again. :)

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