Anybody else having problems getting notifications to load?

  • @sueashby7

    Internet Explorer 8

    That might be the main problem. Any version of Internet explorer older than 9 might not work correctly with That’s because the browser is simply unable to understand most of the code we use to make things like notifications work. It might still work, but any change we make at any point can start breaking things, and it sounds like that might have happened here.

    If you’re on an old version of Windows which means IE8 is as high as you can go, the only thing that might work is to switch to a different browser like Chrome or Firefox. The newest version of Flash Player also won’t work if you are on a too old version of Windows, which is why you don’t see a download option at the link @timethief provided

    If you’re able to find someone who can help you clear the cookies and cache and make sure third party cookies are enabled, please try that. It might work. But eventually you will need to switch to a different browser or a newer computer to ensure that everything here will still work.

  • @sueashby7 I would suggest to you to install another browser (Chrome). Although it may scare you it is very easy to do it thanks to the guys from Google and the following tutorial:
    Once you install Chrome it updates itself regularly to the latest version. Also, you should make sure you don’t install extra add on’s unless you really need them and you know exactly what they do.

  • kokkieh I am truly unworthy of your kung fu. I think you must be Thor!
    Yup, I enabled it in screen options and quick draft is indeed back. I’m such a noob.

    I’m on the hunt for red october, deep into the plug-in settings screens I go. The target I seek keeps doing a crazy ivan, but I’ll track it down eventually…

    Thank you to everyone on this thread for all your help. It’s threads like this which make our wordpress one of the best communities ever…

  • After a titanic undersea battle, involving smart torpedoes and a drawn out game of red, yellow, green slider Mastermind. It turned out to be the cookie munching Privacy Badger who was to blame . . . Bad Taxidea taxus, BAD!

  • Timethief, as always, your advice is ever so helpful! I had already tried various of the things you listed, but I hadn’t emptied my browser cache. Once I did, voila! The links in the email notifications from the blogs I’m subbed to by email suddenly worked again (in Microsoft Edge, on gmail). Thanks so much.

  • Oops, I spoke too soon! It’s happening again, this time from the link in the support forum email to me. I’ll check back here to see if anyone has any further suggestions. I’ll also explore my gmail settings – though I doubt it’s that, as I don’t seem to have the same problem using Chrome. I’d really prefer to stay with Edge than go back to Chrome, if possible.

  • @eyeonenvironment
    Just saying …
    I’m Firefox fan (Web Browser Firefox 50.0) and I don’t run any browser addons or extensions like adblockers, etc. and I don’t have this issue. ;)

  • Fair enough. I’ve got Firefox too, but for various reasons am really liking Edge and would love to be able to stick with it rather than bouncing back and forth between browsers! But at least we’ve ID’d it as a browser-specific issue so that’s progress – and I can work around it for now. Thanks.

  • @clapso

    I’m glad to hear you were able to outsmart the adversary :)


    This sounds like a different issue. Are you saying you receive an error when clicking the link in notification emails? What exactly is the error? Or does it just fail to load?

    When you click a link in an email in Gmail you’ll see in the tab that opens it first at, and then it redirects to the URL of the link you clicked. It could be that Edge doesn’t handle that well, but I don’t have access to a computer with Edge to test this. I can tell you I don’t know of anything like this having been reported before.

    Do you use the Lastpass password manager by any chance? It looks like there’s a known issue with that:

  • @kokkieh – Yes, that’s it! Thank you!!! You’ve nailed the problem, and this explains why it only started happening in the last few days (after I added the Lastpass extension). It was causing gmail to open a blank page instead of the actual URL of the link. So now, I will either disable the extension or use right-click to open the link in a new tab – this seems to work just fine. Many thanks.

  • Glad I could help :)

  • Kokkeih,

    I am sorry it took me so long to respond again. Between dog sitting, taking care of someone’s house while away, and seasonal baking and such I have just been so busy. I may have to try another (what ever it’s called) I have IE8. Because I have my quick post box, I never use it. However, my problem is that bell icon in the upper right corner of my Admin. Dashboard. You know, the one that you click on to be able to see who is following the blog, liking it and leaving little comments on comments. The bell Icon with the orange dot, that you click on to get all of those jewels of happiness. I click the bell, it opens, but it will not let me click on anything else. All it will do is open. It’s much like being in a really great candy store, but no matter how hard you try, you hands pass through the candy as though you’re a ghost. I have to run for now, but I will be back as soon as possible. You are amazing, and so is everyone else! Thank You, Kokkieh.

  • I click the bell, it opens, but it will not let me click on anything else.

    Yes, that will be due to IE8. That browser is simply too old to understand the code that we use for the notifications.

    Go to, and see if you’re able to download one of the other browsers appearing there. If you’re on a very old PC, for example using Windows XP or older, even a different browser might not help, but it’s the only thing I can think of to try.

    You can also try viewing them at this link:

    But that page uses much of the same code so I can’t guarantee that it will work for you.

  • Thank you, kokkieh. I was wrong, I have IE 11.2, windows 7 home premium, 3rd party cookies are enabled. My brother gave me a little tech support over the phone, he has all the same things I do. I did notice my java and my flash are both 32-bit (what ever that is!) this thing is 64 bit. (???) You really are awesome for being so helpful, but the thing still is not working. Let me know if something else comes to mind. Thank you so much for all of your time and brain power.

  • Thanks for the info.

    I checked in IE 11 on Windows 7 and Windows 10, and in both the notifications are working for me, so it doesn’t look like the problem is with the browser recognising the code.

    32-bit Flash on a 64-bit machine could be a problem. You’ll need to visit and see if you’re able to install the 64-bit flash player to see if that solves this. I really cannot think of anything else on top of everything else that’s already been suggested :)

    Java is not the same as JavaScript. You need the latter to be enabled for to work, and it is included in all browser, but can sometimes be disabled. And in fact, unless you have programs on your computer that require Java to work, I’d recommend you uninstall that, as Java is infamous for causing security issues.

    Is it at all possible for you to install a different browser like Firefox, Chrome or Opera? Even IE 11 is old, and while should work perfectly in IE 11, there are many other reasons to use a different browser instead of it.

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