Any tips?

  • I’ve searched the forums and taken what I can from various posts old and new. What I’m looking for is a little exposure and a lot of personal help or advice regarding my blog specfically.

    If you have any suggestions that can help me get a better footing please help me out.

    Some information about me:

    I’ve never blogged before.
    I’m familiar with web design and search engines (mass com major before changing to BSBM)
    Never kept a journal, but have jotted many ideas in incomplete word doc’s and sheets of paper.
    Love many subjects, should I stick to 1 subject or spread myself around?

    I’m libra.

    Lookforward to hearing from you guys.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The first tip I’d give you is one repeated thousands of times in this forum: link your username to your blog. Then, give us a summary of what you’ve learned through your searches of the forum; there are literally hundreds or thousands of tips here already, and we don’t want to repeat ourselves even more.

  • Sorry about that, when I posted it appeared to have a link already based on my user.

    I’ve already readh through many tips posts and am just looking for some insight beyond where they have taken me. It’s a bit of information overload just searching and reading. I’ve gotten to where I am in the page just by those posts though.

  • The first tip I’ll give you is to stop pasting from Word if that is, in fact, what you did. Your most recent post has all the hallmarks — and bloated code:

    Why not to use Word

  • You nailed it and I missed that FAQ. Good to know ty. It’s much appreciated. There are so many posts it’s hard to know where to start/stop/continue.

  • whimsinomics
    Another tip is to link your name to your blog. Read and comment on other blogs that are of interest to you. When your name is linked, others can find your blog. No need to be shy, and you won’t look spammy if your name is linked:
    Use tag surfer, or click on the tags you use on your blog (below your posts—they connect to global search) to find other bloggers writing about the same things you are interested in. Comment with substance.

  • thank you 1tess that helped a lot!

  • is a wonderful WP blogging help site. I ve learnt a lot from this woman. Go to the blog and explore the WordPress blogging tips section.

  • whimsinomics,

    Happy to help. As to:
    Love many subjects, should I stick to 1 subject or spread myself around?
    That is a philosophical question. Practical answer might be to “write about what you love.” And think about what you want your blog to accomplish: promote yourself, promote discussion/comments on topics you are interested in, write privately for your own self-exploration, write so friends and family know what you are doing, or something else I can’t guess at, …

    Technical answer would be “learn about how to use categories.” Categories and tags are powerful tools on and I’d advise you search FAQ, Support, and these forums to understand them. Also, keep in mind that you can have more than one blog. And you can delete a blog you start but get tired of.

  • Here’s a helpful article “How to discover your blogging voice”

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