Any themes with featured posts not requiring the now-broken 'featured' tag?

  • There is a long-running bug with the “featured” tag in WP that has been going on now for several months, and has driven me to the point where I’m finally thinking of abandoning my beloved theme if I could only find one that allows “featuring” up to 5 older posts on the homepage, but doesn’t rely on tagging the posts ‘featured’.

    Is there some other mechanism that can accomplish this than the ‘featured’ tag?

    “Sticky” might even have the same problem – I’m not sure – but in Expound marking posts as sticky only seems to work for up to 3 posts anyway, and I have 5 I want to feature.

    Most users are totally unaware of this bug, apparently, even though unbeknownst to them it is probably affecting how others view their homepage: for many months now the ‘featured’ tag repeatedly (every day) literally ‘falls out’ of featured posts, rendering them no longer featured on the homepage – this is masked to the blog-owner since apparently the posts’ featured position on the homepage is cached somehow (to the blog-owner) til you happen to update something else in the post. As soon as you hit ‘update’, the post will fall off its pedestal on the homepage. I assume that visitors to the site probably stop seeing the post as ‘featured’ as soon as the tag disappears.

    Staff know about this, and wp is supposedly working on a solution, but it’s been so long now (about 4 months since I first noticed the problem) and I am sick of replacing 2-3 of my 5 featured post’s ‘featured’ tag two or more times a day.

    Are there any themes that have a ‘featured post’ – like capability that does NOT rely on tagging the post ‘featured’? And if so, is it free of this bug????

    I love my theme – Expound (and no, apparently this bug is not restricted to older themes like Expound – a happiness engineer informed me by email that it is system-wide) – but I am about ready to move to another theme if I could find a way around this problem…

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.

    (if you want to see staff’s update to me here in the forum on this problem, look at the last 2 or 3 posts in my earlier thread on this.)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Closed as a duplicate.

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