Any Suggestions for similar blogs?

  • Hi, not 100% sure if this is the best place to ask this but here it goes anyway.

    I’m working on bringing new readers into my blog and am thinking that the best way to do this is to start commenting on other similar blogs and getting my blog known generally. The problem is finding other similar blogs to mine, I’ve been scouring blog catalog and technorati but generally haven’t found anything in the same vein as my blog. It’s partially my faultas the blog itself is a bit vague, mainly its a slightly humourous look at stuff im interested/stuff i have to do for my degree (I’m a journalism student specialising in online)

    basically what im asking is can anyone give any suggestions of any blogs like mine?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Not unless u tell me exaclty what the topic is or post a link to it

  • you could use the * Twingly Blog Search engine to find similar niche blogs

    * Twingly Blog Search

  • damn, for some reason i thought it would place a link to it in the post.

    heres the address

    its very loosely a kind of entertainment, humour, personal blog. with occasional bits about music books and film.

    see i said it was vague

  • First, nearly every post on any blog can be categorized with something. Those uncategorized posts are doing you no favors.

    When you click on a category or tag in your post (not the sidebar) you’re taken to the global tags pages here. This is one thing you write about and so do many others:

    The tag surfer in your dashboard is another way to discover blogs using the same tags you do.

  • ahh thanks, think this might help alot

    #2 on that tells you how to link your name to your blog, so when you comment on other blogs, other people will be able to find you as well:
    2. How to make your name link to your blog:
    Go into your dashboard -> users -> your profile -> then scroll down to ‘contact info’. In the spot where it says ‘website’ fill in the address of your blog and save the changes.
    Now… when you comment here and on other blogs, your name will link to your blog. If you do this before you post your request for help, it will allow forum volunteers to be able to help you quicker since they won’t have to ask you for a link and wait until you come back to post one.
    (it is also helpful when you ask questions in the forums to get faster answers)

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