Another update?

  • What in the world are you doing??? You are destroying our blog experience with the updates you have made in the past several months. Many complaints from our little community. I really didn’t think you could make it worse, but alas I was wrong. Please stop. Just stop. We are paying for this!! I m not sure who thought this was a good idea but it wasn’t. At all. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! 👋🏼

    What in the world are you doing??? You are destroying our blog experience with the updates you have made in the past several months. Many complaints from our little community. I really didn’t think you could make it worse, but alas I was wrong. Please stop. Just stop. We are paying for this!! I m not sure who thought this was a good idea but it wasn’t. At all.

    Can you please provide us with more details on what went wrong?

    We’re more than happy to help.

  • @dragstor Given the OP’s past forum posts, I have a feeling @herdfan is referring to the most recent update to the comments box, since it now incorporates the Block Editor.

    There are some other forum threads on this issue as well.

  • Yes, we hate the block editor, the latest in a series of ‘upgrades’ that are HORRIBLE. We hate having to sign in over and over and over and over. We hate having to select notification preferences over and over and over and over. We hate ALL the changes that have occurred since July-August timeframe. Who thought any of this was a good idea? It is literally destroying the back and forth commentary, the flow of conversation in our blog comments. You only need to read the comments from yesterday, everyone hates it. Worse, apparently nothing we can do to go back to how it used to be AND we get to pay for the privilege of having our blog destroyed by WordPress.

  • Hi @herdfan, the list of links had some formatting errors that were breaking the layout, so I’ll make note that posts comment section and share it with the team. I’m sorry this has been frustrating.

    Can you clarify a few specifics?

    • We hate having to sign in over and over and over and over.

    Is that still happening? I know there was an earlier issue, but that should be resolved; if it’s still happening can you share more details?

    • We hate having to select notification preferences over and over and over and over.

    Given this is probably also cookie-related, is it happening with the same folks who have to sign in again?

    Specific feedback like that is most helpful, but I’ll also let them know about the complaints in your comment section, so thank you for that.

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