Anonymous or Guest blogging

  • Want people to be able to write anything to my blog without registering. Would I first set up a blog with different categories, then for each one blog something like:

    Please let everyone know about your favorite restaurant in town.

    Then, could anyone COMMENT on it without registering? I would only have to review comments before being posted?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • No one publish posts on your site unless you make them official users of it All public sites are available to everyone who has internet access. Provided comments are left open (they are open by default) anyone can submit a comment. For discussion settings and comment moderation see here

  • This page > Settings > Discussion is where you set up defaults for comments.

    Discussion Settings
    Other comment settings
    _Comment author must fill out name and e-mail
    _Users must be registered and logged in to comment

    Note that the prompt will still appear but providing an email address and logging in are not required. There is no way for us bloggers to remove the prompt. It’s up to us to post instructions if we wish to tell the world that the blog comments can comment anonymously.

    Frankly, there’s no way I would ever set up anonymous commenting on my blogs because I’m aware that (1) the vast and overwhelming majority of all information on the internet is spam; and (2) that over 80% of the so-called comments submitted to free hosted blog every day are spam.

  • I understand your thoughts on the anonymous commenting.

    Is it possible, then, to have a button on the blog that would say ‘register’ to post comment?

    Or, register to Guest Blog?

    Thanks for the quick response.

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