Annoying automation

  • Can you confirm whether the editor gives you trouble with other pages/posts on the site?

  • I was having a lot of trouble posting on this page the other day because of lag, but it’s back to normal now. You’ll see me talking about that in my above comments, how it was happening here but hot on other websites.

    A few of the long inventory pages have had this issue:

    Film Ratings

    has an issue, but not nearly as bad. If I edit it with the HTML editor, it puts about five lines of space between the indented TV episodes.

    I also noticed this one getting slow for the first time recently:

    Comic Book Reading Sequences

    Nothing I’d expect anyone to read from beginning to end has had this issue so far.

  • > Nothing I’d expect anyone to read from beginning to end has had this issue so far.

    Yeah, generally speaking, WordPress is intended to be used for the type of post or page that can be read in a sitting (even a longer sitting like a half-hour read) — otherwise it’s built to be organized or paginated in some way.

    I can’t promise the this editor will be able to handle super long posts like that. Even browser updates and things like that could introduce more browser overload, if that makes sense, at which point things will probably get a bit buggy.

    You _might_ be able to find some kind of bare-bones app specifically designed to work with our API for editing really long posts, but unless it’s designed for long-post editing you may run into issues. Like I mentioned before, even with really long text files a computer can start to lag, so there are programs designed for managing those.

    For WordPress, our recommendation though would be to break it up into pages so it’s easier to edit, and easier for your readers to find what they’re looking for, too.

  • Hello again,

    I would like to offer another suggestion to try and test the editor outside of Chrome. I understand why you don’t wish to clear the cache and it is interesting that you had speed a issue when accessing the Forums. offers a stand-alone Windows app that can be downloaded here:

    Desktop Apps

    If you were able to try this just to see how the editor responds when you have logged in, it could offer further info on whether it is a browser problem or not. I would only try some basic navigation first before trying to edit anything. I ran a test in the app with the HTML from your Music Collection page and it was usable for me, however, saving and preview took a while and I just had to wait. Please bear in mind that my test does not replicate your site and there are many different variables between my environment and yours. I would also recommend that you close the WordPress editor in Chrome while you test the standalone app.

    Can you also confirm that when you experienced the multiple repeats of

    <p><a href="#Gioldsmith"></a></p>

    was that on auto-save and the duplicate text was being created while you were in the editor, or did you go to preview at any point?

    I also tested the HTML in a text editor that I use as a local app, Sublime Text 2, and I could edit fine but the editor has a preview pane on the right that should allow you to scroll down the document quickly and this suffered from severe lag due to the document size. So the document is taxing even for locally running apps.

  • I downloaded the app, but it defaulted to the regular editor, so I wanted to back out without saving and couldn’t. It keeps taking me back there even after I quit the program. Like I said, it creates extremely undesirable spacing issues.

  • Hi,

    Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M will switch you into the Code Editor.

  • I get that, but the damage happens as soon as I open it, which is why I would normally use the back button, open another and switch it over, which I can’t do within the app.

  • I downloaded the Brave browser and continued to have the same difficulties. I highlighted the i and hit backspace, so WordPress jumped to the bottom and deleted the closing > on the last unordered list.

    Apparently there is no way to back out of a file without incorporating the changes when using the app? We’re back to the same issue of how the damn thing had autosaved so many times that I couldn’t go back to before the autosave that created the problem.

    I never liked the “improved” version of WordPress, and after the feedback I’ve gotten here, I like it even less.

  • I never went into preview mode. The duplications came about during the autosave, and continue to come about during the autosave. It continues to happen with each autosave. That’s why I was talking about it text after that being pushed off the page while I watched.

    Apparently there is no way to leave the app editor without saving? This whole thing started because the WordPress editor has been actively preventing me from correcting a mistake.

  • I’m still not able to edit the page. And I discovered another stupid thing. Appending new additions in the comments section, if you edit a comment for a typo, all the HTML disappears. That’s extremely unhelpful. Whoever programs this is really not thinking much about the end user.

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