Amending site tagline colour

  • Hello,

    I am trying to get my site title and tagline to both appear in white (255, 255, 255). When previewing the site in WordPress, this appears to be workind, and if I inspect the element it appears to have the correct RGB value.

    However when I publish that to the live site, the RGB value changes to (119, 136, 153).

    Any ideas?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Are you referring to this site?

    I see that the site title already appears in white (255, 255, 255). The tagline though however is not visible on the site.

    To clarify, are you still facing issues? Let us know and I can debug further.


  • Yes I’m still getting the same problem, but i have hidden the tagline as it is unreadable again the background images.

    It should match the site title colour right?

  • Thanks on the reply. So, the tagline is hidden by you, okay. As for the title though, it’s already in white.

    It should match the site title colour right?

    Can you clarify what you mean by this? The site title should be set to the color you choose, as in this case, white.

  • I’ve added the tagline now so you can see what i mean.

    I want the tagline in white as per the wordpress preview, but when it publishes it uses 119, 136, 153.

  • Now I see it.

    Can you try using Hex codes instead of RGB values? If you have access to custom CSS, try using the following code and see what happens.

    site-description {
        color: #fff;

    I guess you might have tried this already, but can you give it a shot if you haven’t? I am right here if you have questions.

    Happy new year, by the way!

  • Oh, the proper code is here. Please ignore the previous one.

    .site-description {
        color: #fff;
  • I’ve just tried that, and it now displays as expected. Thanks for your help. Really appreciate it.

    Have a great 2018

  • No problem! Glad I could help! :)

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