Am I Hacked?

  • I noticed someone was able to look at a photo I have in one of my Photo Albums. It’s part of a draft I have set up and should only be visible to me. It’s not posted yet. How is that possible? Has someone hacked into my account?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What is the title of the draft you’re referring to, and when did you notice the view?

  • It’s actually on my Memory Movies blog (formerly known as For-The-Hell-Of-It Reviews). The MOSQUITO review. The first poster. I spread my photos out on multiple other blogs when they get full, and that first one was looked at. I forgot to mention when I logged in to that particular blog I found a mysterious draft I didn’t write titled, GRA. Someone got in there, I’m sure. I changed all my passwords, but that poster was still looked at.

  • OK. So the image I’m seeing is actually stored on another site.

    Where are you seeing the view, though?

  • On my Memory Movies dashboard, in the Link box, where you can see who’s looking at what. I noticed it was looked at yesterday.

  • Hmm. Not positive yet what would cause that. But I’m guessing it’s more about how the stats reported something — I’m guessing a post preview — rather than a hacker. If someone truly had access to your admin area, I’d guess they’d be doing more than taking sneak peaks at an upcoming post.

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