Always 2 pictures in my posts

  • Hello together, when I write a new article in my blog I have the first picture always twice in my articles. I don’t know why this is happening. Can somebody tell me what to do to? I just want to have the picture only once and not twice below.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there! I am happy to help you here. Perhaps you set a featured image and also insert it into the post content? When you set a featured image, you wanted it to appear in your content area. When it does not appear in the content editor, perhaps you thought have missed something and end up inserting the same image again in the post.

    How to fix this:

    Go to your blog post, remove the image from the post editor and make sure you use the featured image box to set your featured image (in order not to use the same image twice).

    I hope this helps!

  • @haraldbrems,

    If you have featured images set on your posts, AND the same image inserted into the post content, then the suggestion by @mishkausa may be appropriate. However, if you don’t have featured images set on those posts where the same image is displaying twice, despite only having the image once in the content, then the solution will be different.

    In the latter case, at Customize > Content Options > Featured Images, uncheck the box labeled “Automatically use first image in post,” then save the change.

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