alterations and possibilities on ‘the journalist’ theme

  • Hi, I’m a beginner and just wanted some advice really about what I can do to my blog, should and when I buy the CSS upgrade. I really like ‘the journalist’ theme but have a few problems with the design, notably it’s not very clear how to make a comment and ideally I’d like to add a ‘comment’ link in the margin, is this possible? Secondly I’d like to try altering the header, adding to it and finally I’d like to add an ‘about’ and a ‘contact’ section to my blog, where visitors can get the lowdown on my blog by clicking the link in the margin. At the moment I’ve got my ‘about’ information listed under a new ‘page’ which is misleading for the visitor etc..My blog address is – its a quirky documentary photography site. I set it up a few months back as a trial and have now decided to give it a go, posting regularly and so on. Any comments on the above or suggestions would be very welcome, I need all the help I can get….best wishes, Christian

  • You can’t add the comment link – that’s part of the underlying functionality of the theme. CSS only affects the appearance of the blog. You can certainly change the header using CSS.

    For the ‘About’ section – try using a text widget with the html link to your about page. You can just drop this into the sidebar as normal or, using CSS, you can have it anywhere you want on the page.

    I think, if I were you, I’d see if you can achieve everything you want without paying for CSS. And if you find you can’t, play with the free CSS preview first to make sure you can achieve what you want with the CSS. Also, you might like to look at Vivian Paige’s blog. She uses the Journalist theme (I think) and has done a lot with the CSS.

  • I would think you would want to use the pages widget to add an about page and a contact page. The theme doesn’t support a header but if you have CSS, you can add one using the instructions here

    AFAIK, there is no way to change the comment link, as rosclark said.

  • thank you rosclark and vivian, your’e blogs are great and I’m grateful for your advice, I’m just starting to build my knowledge base and your direction is invaluable, cheers christian

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