Already have a domain, have questions

  • I just want to put up a portfolio site with a blog for my artist husband. It would need a home page, gallery, about the artist, blog, and contact page. We want to use the domain name we already own: Is there a way to build this site here at with the above specifications, and use our existing domain name?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    We cannot import themes. The only theme we can use are found here
    The 92 Portfolio style themes are here:

    A WordPress portfolio theme is the perfect way to showcase your artwork, photography, or anything visual you want to show off. Choose one of the following portfolio themes that include features like front-page sliders, immersive slideshows, or elegant galleries — allowing anyone to browsing your content in an immersive and engaging way. If you’re building an online portfolio for your work, head on over to to see all the great features we have to help you create a site you’re proud of.
    See also

    For a contact page see:

    For Galleries and Slideshows see:

    re: mapping an existing domain does not accept domain transfers but mapping an existing domain is possible.

    Domain mapping of an existing domain URL that you already own and purchased elsewhere is not done free of charge. You will have to renew the domain name purchase where you made, it and the domain mapping purchase here, each and every year.

    Mapping an existing domain costs $13. annually and a domain name purchase and domain mapping are included in the Premium upgrade bundle.

    In order to map to a domain one must have an underlying sub-domain blog to map from and it does not matter what that underlying URL is. It does not have to match the domain URL.

    If you have registered a blog you log in as Admin under the exact same username account that registered the WordPress.COM blog, and as you own a domain URL already, you can see here for mapping an existing domain.

    It can take between 24 – 72 hours for domain name propagation to take place throughout the internet. You can view the DNS changes here > What’s important during that stage is to be patient.

    If required, to move content see here

    Import a Website

  • Thank you for your response thistimethisspace. This is very helpful. We do not have any content at our domain yet, just the domain name. So it looks like we can create the site here, and publish it under the name we own, when it’s ready to launch. That was one of my main questions. The other one was about whether there is a theme with both a portfolio and a blog. I will look at the themes you listed and see if one has all of what we are looking for. Thanks again for your help.

  • Use the domain mapping of existing name link above to make your domain name work

    There are many themes here (the only ones you can use) that are designed for artists & photographers to showcase their talents

  • Ok, I checked out the themes, and I found one that is almost perfect. The “Photography” theme is perfect, except I would like to drop the page called Styling and replace it with a Contact page. Can I do that?

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Yes. See here for creating a Page and here for customizing a contact form for it

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