Allowing others to post pictures on my blog

  • I want people to be able to share stories and pictures on my blog. How can I do this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • They must have an account on and then added by invitations from your wp-admin, You can also create a form and put fields like name, email and content or whatever you want and then you create an account for them if they want, Make a user on your blog for guest bloggers articles or add it with your username (If it is named after the blog) however, You should include the name of writer and may be a way to contact him/her unless he tells you not to publish these data.

  • thank you for the reply! I would ideally like people to just be able to go to this page and be able to write a story or share a picture without having to log on. I played around with the comment fields option and when I created a comment form it just gets sent to me but I want everything visible on the page.

  • We are a community to help each other, Never neglect a question because you asked a lot, because you may do something that you are not sure of and cause problems :)

  • So is is possible to allow people to post pictures in a reply field without them having to log in?

  • No, it is not possible. The security risk would be massive, and you would also be inundated with spam.

    The setup you have in mind would be VERY expensive to design and operate. I Can Has CheezBurger has a setup like that; they pay $30,000 a year or so for it.

  • The blogs at are designed for a person or a small group of people to blog. They are not wikis. They are not open submission systems. If you want an open submission system, perhaps you do want a wiki, but they don’t look like blogs and WordPress cannot help you with that.

  • Thank you everyone for the feedback!

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