Allow re-post of article without splitting the statistics

  • Issue: Bloggers want to re-post and article that was created year/s ago. The current option that is available is to “Reblog” or “Press This”, but these two options creates new entry of the item being selected and will split the statistics. It also doesn’t show the entire content but it only referenced. I would normally want to re-post a blog when I update the photos and recipe and I want subscribers to be notified about it. If I re-posted the same article 3 times (once every year), I want it to appear only 1 time in my website and not 3 times.
    Proposed Solution: Allow bloggers to re-post an article without splitting the statistics and without creating new entry in the website. Add a ‘Repost” button, and when the user click on the button, the system will check the website for a unique key associated to the post. If the key exist, that means it is an existing post and should be re-posted as per current state. Even if the user change the title, the unique key remains the same because this is kept backend. This way, the post items will be unique regardless is the title was changed, and the stats will not be split.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @mariloucajayon can you clarify exactly what you want to happen when the article is reposted?

  • Hi,
    To better demonstrate the issue, if you could please go to website and search for “Strawberry Shortbread Cheese Tart”. You would see that there are 3 items of that title. First, a blog that was posted a year ago with 2 views. The other two items were created 5 months ago when I used the functionality “Reblog” and “Press It”. The other has 3 views, the other has 2 views. Technically, these 3 items are all the same post and should appear only once in my website. But since I used the “Reblog” and “Press It”, the other 2 were created by the system and the contents inside says “Source: Strawberry Shortbread Cheese Tart” and the other a partial content from the original post. I don’t want to use the Reblog and Press it because it was creating entry every time I used it. If I do this every year that I want to Reblog the article (say 3 years in a row), I will end up having 3 items which are basically the same.
    So, I was thinking that a “Repost” button should be available. The function of the Repost button is to allow user to Repost a selected article and send an email notification to subscriber just like when a new post was created. Sending an email to subscriber is very important because recent subscriber may not have the chance to see the post that were released few years ago. The suggested “Repost” button should not create a new entry like the way the Reblog and Press it behaves. This way, even if I choose to Repost the same article every year, I will remain to have only 1 of that article in my website. All the view statistics will also go to that one entry only, unlike what is happening to the Reblog and Press it. Since items created by the system from those two were treated as a new post, the view statistic is specific to each post. In my suggestion, the statistics should just be for the original post. The system should not write a new record or entry every time the Repost button is click.
    I believe that this is going to be useful especially that users tends to repost articles several times when they updated it, or just for the sake of reposting it. For example, Holiday articles or blog are useful to be reposted during the season to which they were written for.
    Sorry for a long reply, but I hope this helps clarify the issue. Thanks for reaching out!

  • Adding the “Repost” button is one option. Another option is to modify the functionality of “Reblog” to behave the same way as how I described the “Repost” button. There maybe people who benefit from existing “Reblog” functionality, but it just doesn’t work for me. It’s your call if you want to add a “Repost” button or enhance the way the “Reblog” behaves.

  • Third option, in the “Share” functionality which shares the selected post to linked accounts, add ability to share with subscribers. If this option was added by the user, when the Share button is clicked, the system will share the post to linked accounts, and will also send email notification to subscribers about the post (just like when a new post was created).

  • Sorry, my bad! I think my option 2 sugestion will not work, because that functionality is used by people who want to Reblog post that they like, so it has to stay the same.

  • Hi, typically Reblog is meant for sharing content from other sites, rather than your own site.

    Since you’re re-sharing content from your own site, can you clarify what you’re hoping to achieve?

    – to repost the article to social media
    – to send another notification to email followers
    – to re-feature the article on the front page of the site

    Please clarify that so I’ll know what end result you’re after.

  • Ah I just found your goal in one of the replies.

    You can re-post to social media or re-feature an article pretty easily without re-blogging. But to send an email to followers, you’ve got to actually write a new post.

    My recommendation in this case, then, is to write something *about* the article, then link back to it, rather than simply reblogging it on your own site.

    So in the example of Strawberry Shortcake that you blogged three springs ago, you might snap a picture of some strawberries and write a new post saying it’s the perfect season for strawberry shortcake again, and link back to the article for the recipe. That’s how I’d do it at least.

    You can also feature the recipe on your site, depending on what theme you’re using.

  • Hi, thanks for checking in. Yeah, I used the “Share”functionality to share the article to my linked account (FB, google, twitter etc.) The challenge with writing an *about* (kind of) and linking it back to the original article is that I will end up having more than 1 *about* regarding specific article if I want to inform subscribers about it every year. Let’s say I do that once a year for 10 years (just to exaggerate), I will have 10 *About* for strawberry creme cheese tart that just all linked back to the original. As the blogger point of view, it doesn’t seem logical to do that. I cannot do that for all the holiday recipe that I want to “Repost” to inform users about it again every year. In the subscriber point of view, I would rather see an entire article rather than getting a sort of “reminder” article to link back to original post. I’ve also used the “Pin it” feature but that only put the selected item on top, still no notification to subscriber.
    I understand that the feature is not available now, I was just hoping that maybe in the future this is something that your group could consider reviewing as enhancement feature. I truly appreciate you taking time to check on this and provide suggestions. You’re correct “Reblog” and “Press It” are functionality for other people to share the selected article so those functionality should remain the save. Thanks again!

  • We don’t have a way to re-email your subscribers with an older post. If the main goal is getting an email notification out to folks to repeat recipes or other posts through the year, you might consider running a newsletter rather than using post notifications. We have support for a Mailchimp popup subscription if you’re interested in that.

  • Although that wouldn’t solve the issue, I want to explore that suggestion but this seems to be a plugin, which means I have to upgrade to business plan to install this, it my assumption correct? I don’t have any plans yet on upgrading so if that is the case, this might not work for me. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • @mariloucajayon there may be a plugin that re-publishes posts without duplicating or losing original links (and their SEO), but I am not positive it would work on our servers.

    A newsletter (where you control all of the content for each edition) or mentioning older posts in new posts will likely be your best bet.

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