Allow Embedded Files!

  • Every time i find some cool thing to link throw on my blog, no it doesnt work because its a embedded file or something of that sorts , honestly wordpress needs to life their ball game, every other blogging service alows these things (every is a generalisation but you get my point) and i love wordpress so much, the look, the functionality and everything its just such a great blogging tool but because we are not alowed to have these embeded files etc im honestly wondering does wordpress have any plans to start enabling users to have more things of these sorts? if not i definantly think it should be heavily considered, i myself dont want to but if its not going to happen im going to be forced to leave wordpress, and i know im not the only one.

  • I would like to have javascript widgets. I cannot even export all my blogs and comments to be able to move to another service.

    I also heard that I cannot move my comments even if I choose

    So looks like I am stuck here for life.

  • drmike sent me this link yesterday.

    “In particular, services that allow people to author and post content under the service domain must always neuter any active content such as Javascript.”

    We block things for a reason, not to be difficult.

  • risenphoenix – you heard wrong.
    You can export all your posts and all your comments. The import feature will be in 2.1

  • *sighs*.

    Do a search on the forum for “javascript” and have a look at the results.

    Then you’ll see why JS isn’t allowed.

    If you’re really that insistent on leaving then can I suggest that you get some hosting and download the WP software? You get the best of all worlds then. WordPress, embedding whatever you like, complete control over the themes and you don’t have to use blogger or MySpace!

  • Yeah I’d like to do that but is it true that my comments wont get exported?

  • Oh ok.. I read ur post just now podz. Cool.. then I will soon consider moving to :)

  • risenphoenix – I just checked an export of your blog and the coments are there :)

    And you would leave the blog hhere until the new blog was all good and completely checked so you’d be fine. Many people will have exported since we introduced the xml export and I’ve seen no untoward reports.

  • Wow.. that was very nice of you. :) I will try it soon.

  • thanks for the feedback,if their really is no plans on allowing these sorts of things then yes i am going to in the comming month get some hosting and the wp software as not having such things is really infuriating, i have also had a hard time convicing people to switch to WP because of these same issues.

    Things like teamspeak view, flash games, etc etc which would be a lovely addition to ones blog cannot be used and this really grinds my gears, thank you all for the feedback

  • You can export all your posts and all your comments. The import feature will be in 2.1

    That’s kind of why i was hoping for the FAQ. ;)

  • Please .. ‘‘the Deadly Dangerous Javascript ActionScript’‘ :| So basically Google & and other services are doomed?..

    ^ It’s really simple, it’s really needed. Make it happen, because you can :)


  • I know it’s a PIA not to be able to stick the gizmos of your choice on the blog, but as an utter non-techie I kind of appreciate that WordPress limits the amount of harm I can do to my blog. I can live without the bells and whistles until such time as I’m technically savvy to host my own blog.

    I have one blog and one one hosted by a friend, and frankly if he were not available I would never be able to manage that one. It took me four hours to post a YouTube video to that one; takes me about two and a half seconds here.

    Horses for courses, I guess is the applicable saying.

  • Funny how corlija points towards blogger and they have a history of being hacked. Does no one read the FAQ?

  • raincoaster man, think it’s your choice of women ( :P Anyhow, don’t think it’s a Poll or something here and I’m also quite happy if you won’t whistle either; but this thread’s title is: “Allow Embedded Files!” and maybe you can continue your campaign in another one? ;)

  • .. just building awareness mrmike o_O j/k =)

  • Corlija, with all due respect what are you talking about? A) I’m a chick. B) the topic of embedded files is the theme of my post. Is this only the thread for people who agree 100%? Surely it’s a forum, not a monologue.

  • @ rain
    Hear! Hear! Well said and in a very dignified and polite manner too. Thumbs up ^^ for being a voice of dissent. I’m standing shoulder to shoulder with you because the last thing I want is to see security here compromised. Perhaps if others don’t think it’s an issue they can hurry on over to myspaces, blogger or …
    It’s my experience that most of those people who go on and on about this do not actually create any of their own unique blog content. They are all for plugging in embeds in post after post after post after post. I personally click out of blogs that are nothing but posts of embeds of other people’s work.

  • Im not necisarily saying allow every little script out there, and i can appreciate what wordpress are trying to do by not allowing them, i myself just think its a really big setback, if not allowing them perhaps wordpress could have a section or a form or something were people could suggest things to be allowed and if enough people wanted them they could be reviewed or something?

    What brought me to actually finally post about this was not being able to have TS viewer that is a link to what it is once employed in functionality, its my ts server and yes i would very much like to have a nifty thing like that on my blog, he is with a newly developed blog service (one set up by a freind of mine which i have held back on switching to because of how good wordpress is) but i mean, is something like this really that dangerous?

    I think that perhaps you could have a section , or maybe even within this suggestion forum for , “Possible Script Allowances” or something of that sort and if enough people wanted it you could potentially review the “Security threat” of it and allow it?

    Just a though, i really do not want to leave wordpress at all but soon im fealing as though im going to have to do what i really want to with my blog.

  • I’m reluctantly with raincoaster on this one. I had a few posts which used shockwave animations which don’t work anymore. It’s a nuisance and I’ll have to see if I can convert some of the stuff to video so I can embed via YouTube. It would also be great to put in easy links to Digg, Reddit and so on. But as annoying as it is the uptime of is a lot better than other blog hosts. If that’s the result of the ban on JavaScript then it’s worth it.

    If the lack of control is a huge problem then you could try another host like Blogsome who run WP:MU and allow Google Ads etc. or set up a custom install on a free or cheap server.

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