Allow anyone to be a contributor

  • I wish to create a bog where lots of people can contribute to a specific topic. The obvious way to manage it would be to ask anyone who wants to contribute to sign up for a WP account then shoot me an e-mail so I can add him/her then they can begin working.

    This way is too complicated, I want anyone with a WP account to be able to contribute to this blog.
    Is there a way to achieve this, or should I have posted this in the ideas forum instead?

  • You can just post a username and password so anyone can use it, but then there’s no way to keep track of who wrote what, AND your blog will be maliciously tinkered with, I guarantee it.

    Sounds like you don’t want a blog, but a wiki. Try mediawiki or wikispaces, they’re both quite good.

  • No it’s not a wiki I want, I thought of it but it’s supposed to be very much in a blog format and then creating and setting up a wiki to look like a blog seams pointless.

    Setting up one account and give it away on the blog would create mayhem with the account, anyone can access any work done with the account and I guess someone would change the password pretty soon.

    I’m not worried to give away contribute rights to all WP accounts, someone may find it fun to try to get up a spam post but as I as the admin have to review all posts before they are published it wouldn’t be any harm to the blog.

  • The Prologue and P2 themes allow microblogging by many, a la Twitter.

    I second the idea of a wiki, but if you must have many posting to a blog, do check the FAQ about the various roles and their limitations or lack thereof.

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