All my polls just disappeared; why? what to do?

  • I did another auto create of my polldaddy account and i can see the pols I created, but they are displaying on my blog. In the post editor the polldaddy code is still their, it just isn’t displaying anything on blog.

    Will this be automatically rectified soon?

  • Lenny, thanks for the update. The polls have all returned behind the scenes, but have now disappeared from the actual blogs themselves. And when you create a new poll, it gives you the code but nothing displays on the blog.

    Any ideas? :)

  • Thanks Lenny for the information. I discovered last night that the my poll had been working normally, but that I wasn’t able to access it from the WP Control Panel. I’m able to do that now. I am wondering why I can’t access the poll results though from my control panel. I have to access the blog as a user to get the poll results. That seems kind of strange.

  • Lenny, the polls have returns to my dashboard, but i can’t see the full result or edit it. I just have the same problem that @mntornado! Help! And thank you!

  • Aura1st – This is not the place to pimp your blog.

  • ellaella,
    aura1st has been around all day. I’ve modlooked those posts several times, and apparently they have been deleted, but the mods don’t seem to be blocking her/him/it. They CAN do that, can’t they?

  • Lenny,

    I cannot view any of the results to my polls. I am hosting a contest and I need the results. When can I get the results? Or have they been lost for good?

  • Ok, it look like we have the plugin fixed now. It should not be asking you to log in again, we have also fixed the missing results section. If anyone is still having problem please let me know.

    Once again, please accept my apologies for the issues you have seen over the past 24 hours.

  • Can someone help me as well? I can create it and see it on the dash, but once I hit Save Poll under Publish, I can’t see it on my blog. :(

  • @eatfruit: Please paste the exact URL of your blog when asking questions here – or link your nickname to your blog as explained in the Sticky 8 Things to Know. We usually need that to give a relevant answer.

    Are you trying via the button in the post editor or via the button in the dashboard sidebar?

  • Lenny,

    The results page came back online 5 days ago. No data was missing but the percentages were all set to zero and have remained that way.

    What do I do?

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