All my fonts have changed

  • On my website, the font is set to default. This has not changed, but when I edit a post the font when editing is Times New Roman and very small. I don’t know what caused this but it appears when I edit all my posts now. How can I change it back?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I suspect this might be a browser or system setting on your computer – I checked one of your posts in the editor, and it’s showing me the Helvetica font and 16px large, which is what I’d expect.

    To confirm whether it’s the browser, can you check if the same thing happens when you use a different browser, like Firefox?

  • When I use Firefox, the text in the editor is still using Times New Roman Font.

    Is there any way to change the editor font specifically?

  • but when I edit a post the font when editing is Times New Roman and very small.

    Hi there, are you using the block editor or the classic editor?

    In the Block Editor’s Preferences>General, there’s a setting that says “Use Theme Styles”. Try unchecking that and see if it doesn’t change what you see in the Editor.

  • Yep, that fixed it! Thanks for the tip

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