Align video to right; add text to left; resize video

  • I would like to align an embedded youtube video to the right of the homepage and add text to the left of that video.

    I’d also like to change the size of the video.

    I’ve been unable to achieve these results using shortcode &w=&h=

    Here is the site where I need help:

    Thanks very much!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The featured photo on the site homepage was automatically cropped from the original for display. Unfortunately, the musician was scalped as a result!

    I’d like to give the musician his hair back. I’ve tried cropping the image myself, uploading to the media gallery and then “featuring” the photo, but the result remains the same.

    Here is the site where I need help:

    Many thanks in advance!

  • I’ve added social media icons to the blog footer. These automatically align to the left at the bottom of the page.

    I’d like to center the icons at the page bottom. I added the following CSS code (copied from one of the support forums), but it didn’t do the trick:

    .widget-area–footer {
    text-align: center;

    Would appreciate your help here:

  • The topic ‘Align video to right; add text to left; resize video’ is closed to new replies.