Algorithms for blog followers?

  • It’s driving me crazy. I have new blog subscribers and then the number of my subscribers decreases. I have new Facebook friends, and the number of Facebook followers decreases. What’s up with this? Is there an algorithm that WordPress uses for Facebook followers? Also, is there anyway we can see who unsubscribes? Just curious. I’m tempted to not post how many followers I have because the numbers fluctuate daily.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • As far as I know, if your blog is connected to Facebook via Publicize it should show all your Facebook friends (if it’s your profile) or likes (if it’s a page) as part of your follower count. Those numbers aren’t edited by any algorithms I know of.

    There’s no way to see if someone unsubscribes.

    Here is all the information available on this site regarding follower numbers:

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