Akismet takes my comments as spam

  • This has happened several times now. I make a comment on my own blog, and it is whisked off to the spam jail.

    Occasionally the same thing happens to other people’s comments on my site as well, who shouldn’t be spam. I don’t know why they’re chosen.

  • It happens because very often we get spam-bombed (it happened this weekend, in fact). When that happens Akismet tightens up a lot, and sometimes it classifies as spam things that aren’t. What you need to do is go into your Akismet Spam file and mark your legitimate comments as “not spam”. Once you’ve de-spammed your own comments several times, Akismet will learn and your comments will be posted automatically.

    This is a very common thing.

  • It’s not that common. Akismet works a lot more than it doesn’t work. I still have not seen one false positive on my blogs.

    Without seeing the comments that are getting tagged as spam, we really can’t tell you the reason why it got tagged. Can you provide links to a couple of them please? We may be able to see something you’re not able to.

  • I’m so glad I marked most of my older posts as comments closed. Now I get under 10 spams a day, and I’ve been averaging finding at least two legitimate comments a day that Akismet marked as spam.

  • I see the solution, but it’s not working for me at the moment. This is the third day I’m marked as spam, despite innumerable times of unspamming myself. Right now, it appears that Askimet is not learning too well……

    Example, well, any of my posts -e.g.: http://theagetocome.wordpress.com/2007/05/27/hmm/#comments. All comments on this post have been manually retrieved.

    In addition, I have a standalone blog here: http://www.anglicanessentials.ca/wordpress/. I’m seeing exactly the same thing. My account there is locally generated, but identical in detail to my WordPress.com account.

    The slightly irritating thing in all this is other WordPress folk in my circle are not being targetted in the same way. It’s all a little odd….

  • I get at least 10-12 Akismet false positives a week on new posts from regular, registered, commenters and that includes my comments as well.

    Even with Auntie helping me I spend a lot of time fishing stuff out of Akismet for publication.

    Yes, Akismet is necessary for life on a blog — I just wish there were a cleaner way to cure historically legit commenters from getting caught over and over again.

  • Just how many times do I have to despam my own comments to make Akismet learn it finally?! I hope not for a 15 days … Something is gone wrong, it couldn’t be just mentioned weekend-spam-bombing.

  • I thought someone told me once the idea was if you cleared someone 5 times as a false-positive then Akismet learns to leave them alone — I have found that doesn’t really work.

    There are other methods for getting help with this but that is something Support should address so make sure you send in Feedback to get help from those who know.

  • Five times un-spamming should do it, but I don’t know if there’s a hard number.

    Dr Mike, we get at least one question like this every two days. I’d say that makes it pretty common.

  • Let’s not anthropomorphise Akismet. If the damn thing mislabels your own comments as SPAM, it’s a broken toy, not a kid in grade school.

    Adding insult to injury is its act of deleting comments after 15 days, spam or NOT, perhaps before new bloggers realize it’s lurking in the background.

  • Akismet is stopping hundreds of thousands of spams from reaching our blogs each and every day. Akismet is progammed to delete the comments it categorizes as spam after 15 days, provided the blogger has not otherwise dealt with them within that timeframe.

    So please focus on your own statements “let’s not anthropomorphise Akismet” and “lurking” and take your own advice.

    Perhaps you’d also like to take a look at what Akismet did today http://akismet.com/stats/
    1,536,044,358 spams caught so far
    40,640 so far today
    95% of all comments are spam

  • Thanks for the various comments… I will try to give a link next time it happens.

    I am very thankful for Akismet. It just seems a little erratic lately, perhaps under the pressure of the spam blitzes.

  • It seems there’s a spam deluge going on and I didn’t really appreciate that until I looked at the stats graph. I’m with you — thank goodness we have Akismet.

  • Thanks for the information, Timethief. I get it. The stats data, however, is meaningless.

    Let me ask you this question: How much HAM would you willing to sacrifice to be relieved of all SPAM? My answer would be “none”. Simply deleting SPAM is not a solution to the SPAM problem. The problem is identifying the HAM.

    If Akismet cannot do that, then it should tone down the rhetoric.

  • If you want to contact staff about Akismet directly, the Feedback form should work.

  • What makes me conserned is the fact that Akismet didn’t cought any other spam on my blog in 2 days, but only my own comments. Inspite of de-spaming, it happens again and again and I’m helpless. And I have no restrictions set for any comments … Since now it worked really well and in general it’s good to have it. Perhaps Macenable got the point :)

  • Well, here it’s happened again, twice in two days. It takes one of my perfectly innocuous comments on my own blog and decides it’s spam…

    Here’s the comment I retrieved which was consigned to the spam pile: http://fencer.wordpress.com/2007/05/02/interregnum/#comment-2636

  • Like I said, it’s a very common thing. I’m getting about 120 spams an hour, only one false capture today. Glad to see you had no problem un-spamming it.

  • The problem is not so much my own comments, since I know they’re missing. It’s more I’m concerned about missing others’ legitimate comments, which also happens, without knowing they are missing.

    I realize that the alternative is just as frightening, but hunting every day through all the massive viagra and ringtone listings (where do they come up with all that stuff? and, people really reply to that nonsense?) to double check whether a valid comment or two is buried there… Well, that starts to defeat the purpose of Akismet.

  • You’re not paging down through all of that, are you? Now I know why you’re peeved.

    Use the Search function (relatively new) in your Akismet file to search for the usernames of your regulars. I have one fellow whose ISP must be home to every Nigerian spammer on Earth, and he always seems to post multiple links, both of which will get you popped into spam. I don’t delete my spam until I’ve done a search for his name. Then I can unspam his comments easily.

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