Akismet has been very effective but….

  • Akismet’s been very effective on my blog in keeping out spam – nothing got through for the first six months. Recently a few spams have got through, although infrequently enough to deal with easily. Is designating these as spam via the “comments” control sufficient to alert Akismet, or is there something more I should or could do to prevent a potential deluge?

  • Clicking on the spam button for the comments will send the data to Akismet.

    Although, it takes more than 1 comment to get enough data for Akismet to start recognizing that it is spam. However, if others that use the system also tag those comments as spam, then it will eventually be marked as spam for future instances of the same type of comment. You are basically helping make Akismet learn what is spam and your help is contributing to making the Akismet system better.

  • That’s reassuring; thanks….

  • If spam gets through to me, I am prepared to break out the Mayo and handle it appropriately.

  • Not really related to my original question, but: just had one piece of spam which *almost* fooled me. It was grammatical, almost relevant to the post, and was linked to a legit looking Lycos members’ site (unlike most spams which are linked to obviously dodgy sites). So I naively despammed it (I often have to do this even with comments from regular visitors to my blog). Then, feeling suspicious, I googled the phrasing and found it had been used as a comment on many other blogs. It’s back in the spam laager now, naturally, and I shall be more vigilant in future. Live and learn, I guess.

  • Help! I had two spam comments awaiting approval or deletion. I unspammed one comment (that I wanted to keep) and left the other unchecked. I then hit “delete all” without realizing the other one would be deleted, too. I didn’t want that one deleted since it appeared to be from someone named Bernard Hill (the actor!). That’s too cool getting a comment from him (and I do believe it’s him), so how in the world do I retrieve it now?????? Is is sitting somewhere in the Akismet universe and can they re-post it? All I remember was the name and something with hyphens in his url (something like “bernard-hill-actor”), so I can’t e-mail him directly to implore him to repost his comment.

    Can anyone help me?????

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