Aggressive AI generated post comment spam

  • Intro:
    Hello, I know I am not alone here as my research over a few weeks shows that many k’s of complaints have been launched against this one spammer globally. Probably some other WordPress members can also relate.

    One Bosnia based spammer is using a sympathetic Russian based host to launch persistent, aggressive, multi pronged automated web post spam attacks.

    Stats show spoofed visits from around the world.
    WordPress ID’s these as spam in my dash, great – therefore I can block and delete, great.

    But really, not so great as to date, in the almost 600 attacks, they have never used the same email twice. The only 2 constants are their telegram account and their ISP.

    Therefore, if you can follow me, blocking and deleting is useless as their bot is randomly generating dozens, probably hundreds of new, fake emails every few hours.

    Yahoo mail, Hotmail, and Gmail are of course their favourites, yet referring the spam to these companies falls on deaf ears. Yahoo in particular seem to be either staffed with non English understanding people or bots.

    Now, as above, given the global reporting of this spam, I find it hard to believe other WP accounts are not also affected.
    So, instead of ID’ing SPAM via email address, why not correlate it it to the ISP and block that?

    Is it also possible for WP to use its leverage and weight to reach out directly to Telegram, Yahoo etall and invite them to come to the party? They sure as hell are not interested in talking to their users.

    These recent visits might help illustrate the issue here.

    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    Unblock user

    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    I could go on indefinitely, but I’m sure you get the picture.

    P/s I understand you may need to ask for more clarification, but please, please, PLEASE, read the darned question in its entirety before you bang off a question that I have already covered?
    Thx. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there, ironically your comment got stuck in spam. Sorry about that!

    Are these getting past your spam folder? If so, can you please use the Spam link on the comments to report them? That helps train the system to watch for patterns.

  • Hey there, ironically your comment got stuck in spam.

    hehehe, that’s cool, I like that~

    Not too sure I follow your question fully.
    I think you mean are these ID’d as SPAM when I look at comments page?
    If so yes.

    And yes, I figured after deleting them the system might have learnt to focus on the IP, not just the email address. I do block them, even though I know it is pointless because odds are 600+ to 0 that they will reuse that address.

    However I’ve been doing that for a while now and it seems the system is either a very slow learner (I can relale to that) or I am doing something wrong – a very slow learner!

    At the moment I am waiting on a fresh delivery so my spam box is clear – see below:

    View, reply to, and manage all the comments across your site. Learn more.
    All 12 Pending 0 Approved 12 Spam 0 Bin 0

    But do you mean that even though WP filter has marked them as SPAM and posted them in spam box, I need to also confirm they are SPAM?


  • If those comments are in Spam, our system works as expected. You mustn’t confirm them as being spam.
    Reporting their email addresses to their providers is a loss of time.

  • If those comments are in Spam, our system works as expected. You mustn’t confirm them as being spam.

    Ok, that’s what I thought, thx

    Reporting their email addresses to their providers is a loss of time.

    Partially true, but it does help deal with frustration~

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