After importing, how can I keep the two blogs in sync?

  • I am a user, and I imported it into my WP today, but if I post another new entry on my blog. How can I add it on my WP? I mean, will importing the account again overwrite the previous posts or just append to them?

  • If you import again the same posts(older posts) would be ignored. There would not be 2 same posts…
    I’ve tried importing with RSS and I think they are just the same.

  • The importer detects duplicate posts and skips them if you didn’t change the date and title of the post.

  • Rather than re-importing every time you add an entry, you may find it easier to use a third-party blogging client to cross-post them. There are some suggestions in this thread.

    Of course, there’s always copy-n-paste…

  • Of course, there’s always copy-n-paste…

    You can actually have two WP blogs share a single database. I do it with my service but that would be far and above an option here.

    *chuckle* We have a PHPNuke site that shares a database across seven different domains. The owner of the site wanted to have different versions of it (ie normal, Large print, simple theme for those on low speed connections, etc.) for different users.

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