Affiliate Links – Can we do it, or no?

  • I recently signed up with ShareASale, as I’d like to start adding affiliate links to my blog posts. I already list the supplies on my blog posts, so this isn’t a huge change.

    My issue is, when I copy the page-code and input it into the HTML block, it’s a mess. I get giant thumbnails, and half the code is showing. Based on the few paragraphs here, links shouldn’t be a problem, but there’s definitely a problem.

    My best guess is it’s the code itself, which doesn’t seem to be compatible with the site? Is that it? Do I need to upgrade? Do I need a plug-in, or all of the above?

    I’ve spent the last 2 hrs trying to figure out what’s wrong and I’m at a loss? Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Policy on affiliate links have changed over the years, but here is the most recent policy:

    We allow sites to use affiliate links in any form, such as text or images. We also do allow sponsored posts and paid-for ads that are relevant to the content on your site.

    However, we do not allow sites whose primary purpose is to drive traffic to external affiliate links or promote their site or affiliate links through comment and forum spam. So, if we see a site with poor quality content and a whole bunch of Amazon affiliate images, for example, that would be considered spam – which is against our Terms of Service.

    For more information, please visit our support page:

    I agree that this is a code-related issue. Some embed code will not work because we do not allow certain tags on non-plugin-enabled sites for security reasons. That includes JavaScript, Flash, iframe, form, and input tags.

    These restrictions are in place to prevent any disruptions in service due to potentially malicious code.

    You can read more about this here:


    Let me know if you have any questions.


  • Thank you for your quick response.

    I don’t know much about code, but it looks like plug-ins are required, which aren’t available with any plan except business and above.

    This is disappointing, as I’m still trying to grow, and an additional $300/year to post some links on my page the way I want to leaves me with a conundrum. Post the links with ease and pay hundreds, or use text links, or…while writing this response, I think I figured out a workaround with (raw) html…adding image size seems to work, but I this will require more work in my end. I’ll need to create a proper block to hold the links.

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